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在这个网络化、信息化飞速发展的时代里,每个人都在享受着网络化、信息化带来的方便快捷,但与此同时,信息安全的问题又成为我们为之担忧和困惑的新问题。中国已是名副其实的“网络大国”。一、信息化时代保密工作的重要性在革命战争年代,保密就是保生命、保胜利。曾经无数革命先烈在进行革命工作,尤其是地下革命工作的时候,“保密”不仅是保个人性命、同志的性命,甚至是保整个政党的性命。而在和平建设年代,保密就是保发展、保安全。随着我国在政治、军事、经 In this era of rapid development of networking and informationization, everyone is enjoying the convenience brought about by the network and informationization. However, at the same time, the issue of information security has become a new problem that we are worried about and confused about . China is already a veritable “network power”. First, the importance of information security era work In the revolutionary war era, confidentiality is to ensure life, Paul victory. During the revolutionary work of numerous revolutionary martyrs, especially underground revolutionary work, “secrecy” is not only the guarantee of personal lives, the lives of comrades, and even the life of all political parties. In the era of peace building, confidentiality is the guarantee of development and security. With our country in politics, military, economy
最近,四川省成都市交警在查处酒后开车时,多了一项“程序”,给酒后开车的司机喝“醒酒汤”。这到底是怎么回事? 2006年的一天,成都市公安局交管局第二分局车管科民警何珞因身
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小敏的来信—— “我为什么总是觉得自己不够快乐呢?考试失利、和朋友吵了嘴、被爸爸妈妈不理解……为什么我的生活里有那么多不快乐的因素?我都已经不知道快乐的滋味了。”
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梦雅阿姨: 我是初三的男生,个子不高,因为吃得太多,变胖了。我1.68米,77千克,和同班的男生比,我是矮胖子。其实我小的时候一点也不胖,后来慢慢变了,我想可能是因为我的饭量