
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjss2008
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在河南省委活动办和河南省委督导组的具体指导下,7月19日河南省水利厅党的群众路线教育实践活动工作会议召开以来,河南省水利厅机关18个处室、28个厅属单位各项“规定动作”和“自选动作”正在按计划有序进行。为切实做好“学习教育、听取意见”环节各项工作,主要采取了“五项”举措:一抓动员部署经过近两周的精心准备,水利厅及时召开实践活动工作会议对厅机关、厅属单位和省南水北调办进行了动员部署。省南水北调办、省水文局和直属各单位先后对实践活动进行了再动员、再部署,并按要求组织了领导机构、制订了实施方案。二抓学习教育厅党组密切关注中央和省委动向,多次组织安排领导班子、处室负责同志、各总支、支部采取多种形式学习、讨论中央和省 Under the specific guidance of the Henan Provincial Party Committee Office and the Henan Provincial Committee and the Steering Group of Henan Province, on July 19, when the working conference on the mass line education practice of the Party of Henan Provincial Department of Water Resources was held, 18 departments and offices, The units are “prescribed action ” and “optional action ” is in accordance with the orderly manner. In order to effectively do a good job in all aspects of “learning and teaching and listening to opinions,” we have mainly adopted the “Five Measures”: Grasp the Mobilization Deployment After nearly two weeks of careful preparation, the Water Resources Department promptly convened a working conference on practical activities Office of the hall, the hall is a unit and the provincial government to carry out mobilization and deployment of South-North Water Diversion. Provincial Department of South-to-North Water Diversion, Provincial Bureau of Hydrology and its subordinate units successively resumed and re-deployed practical activities, and organized the leading agencies as required and formulated the implementation plan. Second, the CPC Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee pay close attention to the movements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee. They have organized and organized leading bodies on multiple occasions, taking charge of comrades in charge of departments and departments and taking various forms of study and discussion on the central and provincial levels
利用亚硫酸钙型脱硫灰处理铝材生产中的铬化废水,以废治废,可同时脱除废水中的六价铬和氟离子,六价铬浓度可降至0.06 mg/L以下,氟离子浓度降至10 mg/L.相关工艺控制条件为:铬