果樹試驗工作方法各論(其中之一) 研究喬木植物葉羣的方法

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在果樹作物和其他喬木植物的調查和田間研究中,往往有必要取得能表示樹冠大小,樹冠各層次的生葉量,葉片的大小及其生長動態的數字。由於為了實現國家造林和發展果樹栽培的計劃而擴大了研究工作,目前這類計算的必要性也就大大增長了。在1939-1949年間,在對天山北支服(依犂南阿拉套山)蘋果園的研究過程中,我們發現這類計算在方法上是不完善的,而且在田間工作中運用這種方法也是不方便的,而所獲得的數字也不够准確。在測定喬木樹冠大小時,首先具有一定困難的就是不能得到足以表示這個指標的准確數字。在俄羅斯共和國的果樹農業生物學研究中,曾經以樹冠高乘樹冠直徑所獲之積代表樹冠的大小。但是這樣獲得的數字並不能反映樹冠的體積,甚至也不能表示樹冠的立面的眞實投影。用方格欄栅測定樹冠的立面的投影(雖然這種方法只能用於灌木),也只能得到相對的數字。 In surveys and field studies of fruit trees and other arborvitae, it is often necessary to obtain numbers that indicate the size of the crown, the amount of leaf at all levels of the crown, the size of the leaves, and their growth dynamics. The need for such calculations has increased significantly as a result of the expansion of research efforts aimed at national afforestation and the development of fruit tree cultivation programs. During the study of apple orchards in the northern Tianshan Mountains (Yili South Alatau) between 1939 and 1949, we found that such calculations were imperfect in methodology and that using this method in field work was also Inconvenient, and the figures obtained are not accurate enough. In determining the size of the canopy tree, it is somewhat difficult at first to get accurate numbers sufficient to indicate this indicator. In the study of fruit tree agriculture and biology in the Republic of Russia, the product of crown height, which has been obtained by crown multiplication, represents the size of the canopy. However, the numbers so obtained do not reflect the size of the canopy and do not even represent the solid projection of the canopy’s facade. The projection of the canopy’s crown using a grating grid (although this method can only be used for shrubs), only the relative figures are obtained.