平、庆纪行一 百姓评说:党员先进性教育开展得好

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要切实加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设,确保先进性教育活动真正成为群众满意工程,更好地按照科学发展观的要求,推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发展。——胡锦涛在山东考察时的讲话“党员先进性教育会不会流于形式,它会取得怎样的成效”?这是我们在保持共产党员先进性教育活动开始后总能听到的一些疑问。带着这样的问题,最近我们来到了平凉、庆阳两市。在长达十多天的采访中,我们走访了两市6个县的十几个乡村,走进了几十户农村最贫困的家庭。这里的所见所闻,让我们真切体会到了“党员受教育,群众得实惠”这句话的分量。四月的陇东大地,漫山遍野的杏花、桃花,点染着村舍、城镇。泾河水边、马莲河畔,到处孕育着绿色,沐浴着春风。在煤都华亭、在全国梯田化模范县庄浪、在革命老区庆阳,在这片黄土层最为深厚的地方,我们感受着这片热土的跃动,聆听着百姓对党员先进性教育活动的评说。 We should conscientiously strengthen the building of the Party’s governing ability and advanced nature and ensure that the advanced nature education activities truly become satisfactory works to the masses and better promote the building of a socialist economy, political construction, cultural construction and building a harmonious society in accordance with the requirements of the scientific concept of development development of. - Hu Jintao’s Speech at the Inspection in Shandong “Will Party Advancement Education Become a Form and How Will It Achieve It?” This is some of the questions we can always hear after the education campaign to keep the advanced nature of party members started. With such a problem, recently we came to Pingliang, Qingyang two cities. In an interview of more than 10 days, we visited a dozen villages in 6 counties of both cities and entered dozens of the poorest families in rural areas. What we see and heard here, let us really understand the “party members educated, the masses benefit” the weight of this sentence. Longdong in April the earth, Manshan everywhere almond, peach, dotted with cottages, towns. Jinghe waterside, Marian riverside, everywhere pregnant with green, bathed in the spring breeze. In Huadu Coal Town, Zhuanglang, a model county for terraced fields in the country, Qingyang in the old revolutionary base areas, we felt the jolt of this hot land and listened to the people’s educational activities on the advanced nature of Party members Comment.