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木麻黄(Gasuarina eqnisetipolia L.)耐盐碱,抗风沙,是营造沿海防护林的理想树种。一九七五年以来,苍南县宜山区白沙公社在沿海堤塘上营造了木麻黄防护林带12609米,65940株,初步显示出防风抗沙,固堤保田的效能。一九八二年五月,由于人为破坏,使该公社七河大队312米的防护林带毁于一旦。翌年,被伐的防护林陆续长出萌条,与同等立地条件下营造的实生林相比,高、径生长量均占明显优势。为此,我们于一九八四年初进行了调查。 Casuarina (Gasuarina eqnisetipolia L.) Saline resistance, wind sand, is ideal for creating coastal shelterbelt species. Since 1975, Baisha Commune in Yingshan District of Cangnan County has built 12,609 meters and 65,940 trees of Casuarina equisetifolia shelterbelts on the coastal dikes and has initially shown the effectiveness of windbreak and sand resistance and solid embankment protection. In May 1982, a 312 meter-wide shelter belt of the Commune’s Seven Rivers unit was destroyed as a result of human destruction. In the following year, the deforested shelterbelt grew one after another. Compared with the planted forest under the same site conditions, the height and diameter of the shelter belts occupied obvious advantages. To this end, we conducted a survey in early 1984.
综合运用样方收获、生物量回归方程及标准木的方法进行样地调查,对西双版纳傣族庭院C储量进行了测定。结果表明傣族庭院的平均C密度为99 85tons·hm-2。证明传统傣族庭院作为
2007年12月4日,全省民宗系统学习党的十七大精神读书班在武昌水果湖新海天大酒店举行。省委宣讲团成员、中南财经政法大学教授、省社会科学院院长 On December 4, 2007, the
这种侧卸式拖车的10.36m长的车厢具备16.8m3的平装容量。用车厢的外部支撑替换原来的中央隔板,底部呈圆形的车厢增加了容量,车厢内部角落处都呈圆角,提高了可控 The 10.36m
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2003年获得农业部登记的有机肥料产品 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profi
能够经受住时间拷问的艺术家,要有钢铁般的筋骨,要有如磐的精神,更要有舍我其谁的使命感和社会责任感.写实派油画家陈逸青便是一位内乾外坤的 Artists who can stand the te
This review introduces the kinetic theory of self-condensing vinyl polymerization (SCVP),including the SCVP of AB inimers,the SCVP with non-equal reactivity bet