德宏 美丽的孔雀之乡

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在我国的云南西部边陲,有一个美丽的地方叫德宏,她跨越千年文明,其独特的民族文化、自然风景、民俗风情以及特色美食,吸引着来自世界各地的人们。德宏是个自治州,全称叫德宏傣族景颇族自治州。那里集边境、口岸、民族、热区于一体,自然环境优美,坝子平坦,土壤肥沃,物产富饶,边贸活跃,民族风情独特,民族文化资源丰富,被国内外誉为“孔雀之乡”“歌舞之乡”。美丽德宏,风情万种。她孕育了风光旖旎的自然景色、多姿多彩的民族文化、中缅边境的异国风情。这里有看不完的景、观不完的舞、听不完的歌、采不完的花、赏不尽的玉、舍不得的情,有流淌着 In the western border of Yunnan Province in China, there is a beautiful place called Dehong, which spans thousands of years of civilization. Its unique national culture, natural scenery, folk customs and specialties attract people from all over the world. Dehong is an autonomous prefecture, the full name is Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture. It is home to a combination of borders, ports, ethnic groups and hot areas. The natural environment is beautiful, the dam is flat, the soil is fertile, the rich property, the border trade is active, the ethnic customs are unique, and the national culture is rich in resources. “Song and dance town ”. Beautiful Dehong, thousands of customs. She gave birth to the beautiful scenery of the natural scenery, colorful ethnic culture, the exotic Sino-Burmese border. There are endless view of the King, endless view of the dance, the song can not be heard, unpredictable flowers, endless jade tours, reluctant feelings, flowing
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。少林小子 ——少林寺少儿武术学校剪影@贾春明 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
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