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本文用眼电图的方法,观察了正常人视觉对眼球运动作用和对前庭眼动反射的影响,以及视觉一前庭相互作用的特点,采用全视野、不同均速(40 o/s:60 o/s)视动刺激,观察视觉系统眼球运动特性:接着在全视野背景中注视前方,头部以正弦摆动旋转(0.2Hz,60 o/s 峰速)的方法,同时刺激视觉和前庭,了解二者相互作用的特性;再在暗视无视背景中作正弦摆动旋转(0.2Hz,60 o/s 峰速)的前庭刺激,得出单纯前庭系统运动的特性;最后,在暗视中注视前方与头部作同步正弦摆动旋转的小灯,研究视觉抑制前庭未梢刺激的特性,用这样组合、系列的方法,观察了72例144只正常眼的视觉一前庭相互作用,系统的提出了不同均速(40 o/s,60 o/s)刺激的视动性眼震,正弦摆动旋转刺激(0.2Hz.60o/s峰速)的前庭眼动反射,视觉一前庭眼动反射和前庭眼动反射注视抑制的特性以及其增益(眼球运动慢相速度/刺激速度)、快相速度和不对称比的正常值范围,并探讨了视觉一前庭相互作用的原理。 In this paper, the effects of normal vision on the ocular motility and the ocular reflex in the vestibular system and the visual-atrium interactions were observed by using the electro-oculogram method. The effects of total visual field, different mean velocity (40 o / s: 60 o / s) Visual acuity was observed for the ocular motility of the visual system: followed by gaze in front of a full-field background, the head rotated sinusoidally (0.2 Hz, 60 o / s peak velocity) while stimulating vision and vestibule to understand The interaction between the two characteristics; and then in the blind ignoring the backdrop for sinusoidal rotation (0.2Hz, 60o / s peak velocity) of the vestibular stimulation, derived pure vestibular system movement characteristics; finally, in the dark vision, looking forward With the head for synchronous sinusoidal rotation of the small light to study the visual inhibition of vestibular flicker stimulation characteristics, with such a combination of series of methods to observe the 72 cases of 144 normal eyes of a visual-atrium interaction, the system proposed different (40 o / s, 60 o / s) stimulated optokinetic nystagmus, sinusoidal rotational stimulation (0.2Hz.60o / s peak velocity) of the vestibular eye reflexes, visual and vestibular eye refraction of the vestibule The properties of dynamic reflex gaze and its gain (slow motion of the eye movement / stimulation Degree), the phase velocity and fast asymmetric than the normal range of vision and a vestibular discusses the principle of interaction.
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阅读文学作品不仅要学习它的词义、句意、文章大意,还要在此基础上学会鉴赏文学作品的语言风格、文章结构、写作手法以及作者要表达的思想感情,只有对这些方面有了充分了解,我们才会对文章主题有更深刻的把握。笔者以高中语文课本中的《逍遥游》为例,谈談自己的实践思考。一、结构上,浅析《逍遥游》独具创造性的艺术技巧  想象丰富,夸张奇特。比喻形象,托物言志。文章构思精巧,将想象与现实、对话与阐理、嘲讽与剖析结合,