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在“西气东输”工程投入使用后,我国在天然气各方面都进入了快速发展的时期,尤其是在2004年至2014年这十年间,天然气的勘探、开发、应用各方面都获得了长足的进步,我国是一个气藏资源丰富的国家,但是劣质化资源储藏较多,气田数量众多,但很多气田的储藏量小,大型和特大型的气田非常少,而且我国气田大多分布在山地与丘陵当中,加大了开采的难度,也增加了开采成本,因为要将开采设备运输进去都很困难,甚至有时还需要开采人员手提肩扛,对气田的勘探和开采造成不便。我国是开发利用天然气资源最早的国家之一,但是在进入二十一世纪后我国天然气行业才得到了相应的重视和迅猛的发展,天然气是一种清洁的能源,对于环境造成的影响更小,绿色能源的开发利用,有利于国家的可持续发展。天然气行业发展至今已经取得了不俗的成果,本文对我国当前天然气的使用现状做了分析,探究了新常态下我国天然气行业发展的基本特征,并对未来中国天然气勘探开发进行了思考。 After the “West-East Gas Pipeline Project” was put into operation, China has entered a period of rapid development in all aspects of natural gas. In particular, during the ten years from 2004 to 2014, all aspects of natural gas exploration, development and application have been obtained A great progress has been made in our country. China is a country rich in gas reservoirs. However, there are a lot of poorly-conserved resources and a large number of gas fields. However, many gas reservoirs have a small amount of reserves, large and large gas fields are rare, and most of the gas fields in our country are located in Among the hills and hills, it increases the difficulty of mining and increases the cost of mining because it is very difficult to transport the mining equipment into the field, and sometimes it is even necessary for the mining personnel to carry the portable shoulder to cause inconvenience to the exploration and exploitation of the gas field. China is one of the earliest countries to develop and utilize natural gas resources. However, after entering the 21st century, China’s natural gas industry has received the corresponding attention and rapid development. Natural gas is a clean energy and has less impact on the environment. The development and utilization of green energy are conducive to the sustainable development of the country. The development of the natural gas industry has achieved good results so far. This article analyzes the current use of natural gas in our country, explores the basic characteristics of the development of China’s natural gas industry under the new normal and ponders over the future exploration and development of natural gas in China.