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中国保健品行业初起于20世纪80年代,发展至今,经历了几次大起大落。20世纪80年代末到1995年初,是保健品行业的第一个高速发展时期。在这一阶段,由于保健品的高额利润和相对较低的政策壁垒和技术壁垒,涌现出了大小3000多家保健品生产企业。在诸多的保健品营销队伍中有一支不可忽视的力量,这就是在保健品行业内赫赫有名的内蒙军团。自上世纪90年代初,内蒙军团开始全面进入医药保健品行业,并得到高速的发展,具不完全统计目前内蒙地区从事医药保健品经营的人员,约占全国医药保健品营销队伍人数的50%以上,营销网络遍布全国31个省市自治区的2700多个县(市),其中有3000余个独立经营的代理商,营销效率极高——如将一个产品铺遍全国仅需两周时间,许多著名的保健品营销案例均出自内蒙军团之手,随着时间的积累,这支营销大军对于中国医药保健品市场的影响越来越重要,为了全面了解“内蒙军团”的历史、背景、特点、趋势,笔者于春节期间利用第9届“中国·呼和浩特全国医药保健品交易会”的机会,同部分保健品行业的专家一起,对内蒙军团部分重要领军人物进行了一次深入细致的专访。 China’s health care products industry started in the 1980s, the development so far, experienced several ups and downs. From the late 1980s to early 1995, it was the first period of rapid development of the health care products industry. At this stage, due to the high profits of health care products and relatively low policy barriers and technical barriers, the emergence of a size of more than 3000 health products manufacturers. In many health care products marketing team has a force that can not be ignored, this is in the health products industry famous Inner Mongolia Corps. Since the early 90s of last century, the Inner Mongolia Corps began to fully enter the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries and achieved rapid development with incomplete statistics. At present, the personnel engaged in the operation of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products in Inner Mongolia account for about 50% of the total number of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical marketing teams in the country. Above, the marketing network covers more than 2,700 counties (cities) in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. Among them, there are more than 3,000 independent agents, marketing highly efficient - such as a product shop all over the country only two weeks, Many well-known health care products marketing case are from the hands of the Inner Mongolia Corps, with the accumulation of time, the marketing forces for the Chinese medical and health products market more and more important, in order to fully understand the “Inner Mongolia Legion,” the history and background , Features, trends, the author during the Spring Festival use of the 9th “China · Hohhot National Medical and Health Products Fair,” the opportunity, with some health products industry experts, some important leaders of Inner Mongolia Corps conducted a detailed and meticulous Interview.
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