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电动式吸引器人工流产术(以下简称电吸人流术)后行输卵管结扎术时,可见部分受术者输卵管管腔内有积血或盆腔内有游离血,这种血液逆流现象可视为电吸人流术的并发症之一。为提高节育手术质量,确保广大妇女健康,通过对41例电吸人流术后行输卵管结扎术之观察,对其发生原因、预防方法及尚需追踪观察的远期影响提出几点探讨意见。一、资料1975年2月~4月,对41例早孕电吸人流术后作绝育术者观察了负压与输卵管积血及盆腔游离血的关系,其中1例系院外会诊病例。另19例经后作绝 Electric suction artificial abortion (hereinafter referred to as electrostimulation) after tubal ligation, we can see part of the tubal cavity by the surgeon or blood in the pelvic cavity, this blood reflux can be seen as electricity One of the complications of abortion. In order to improve the quality of birth control and ensure the general health of women, 41 cases of tubal ligation after abscess were observed, and their causes, prevention methods and long-term effects of follow-up were discussed. First, the data of February 1975 ~ April, 41 cases of early pregnancy electrostimulation after abortion were observed negative pressure and tubal hemorrhage and pelvic free blood relationship, of which 1 case of out-of-hospital consultation cases. Another 19 cases after the job must
目的 观察针药并用治疗卒中后运动性失语患者抑郁状态的临床疗效.方法 将60例卒中后运动性失语患者按随机数字表法随机分为针药联合组(30例)和药物组(30例).两组患者均接受卒
[提要] 本文以运动心理学和运动生理学作为研究的理论依据,从科学的角度对田径运动员临赛前运用“意念及模拟思维”培养良好竞技状态的可行性和有效性进行了探讨,认为田径运动员这种“思维”能够为比赛培养良好的竞技状态,文中对运动员使用该“思维”模式的方法亦进行了具体探索,旨在使运动员在比赛中能够真正发挥出自己的最佳比赛成绩。  [关键词] 田径比赛意念及模拟思维竞技状态临场培养    1.问题提出  “竞