
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongmaomi
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谷壳灰与黄泥的混合基质,是一种扦插效果好而又经济实用的基质。这是笔者通过实践得出的结论。这种基质取材容易,配制简单,适合多种花卉使用。其配制方法是:取地面30厘米以下的纯净黄土,充分打碎整细,按体积1:1的比例与谷壳灰混合均匀。在背风向南的育苗地上把混合基质整成畦,畦宽1米,高20厘米,长度可根据扦插数量而定。按常规方法扦插后,再在扦插好的苗床上撒一层纯谷壳灰,厚度以看不见畦面黄泥为准,这样可使苗床表土不易板结。随即淋一次透水,并把落在插条上的谷壳灰冲掉。然 Husk ash and yellow mud mixed matrix, is a good cuttings and economical and practical substrate. This is the author’s conclusion drawn from practice. This matrix is ​​easy to draw, preparation is simple, suitable for a variety of flowers to use. The preparation method is as follows: Take the pure loess below 30 cm on the ground and thoroughly break the fine and evenly, and mix it evenly with the chaff ash according to the volume ratio of 1: 1. In leeward to the south of the nursery ground into a mixed substrate 畦, 畦 wide 1 meter, 20 cm high, the length of the number of cuttings may be. According to the conventional method of cutting, then cuttings in a good seedbed spread a layer of pure chaff, the thickness of the yellow clay can not be seen, so that the surface of the seedbed is not easy to knot. Then leaching once pervious to water, and put the cuttings on the husk ash flush. Of course
一 1996年9月4日上午10时30分,我的舅公周怀民遗体告别仪式在北京八宝山烈士纪念堂第一大厅单行。我陪着父亲、周怀民唯一的外甥,从无锡坐了20个小时的火车赶来,只为见他老
河北省北部的坝上草原和内蒙古南部草原,是优良的天然牧场。每当夏末秋初绵绵细雨之后,一簇簇蘑菇便破土而出。大草原上生长的蘑菇,包括白蘑(Tricholoma mongolicum)别名珍
  Low-dimensional nanocarbon materials,such as carbon nanotubes and graphene ribbons,are tiny platforms on which beautiful interplay between geometric curvatu