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李鹏总理于5月23日上午视察了外高桥保税区和保税区港务公司。时值中国港口协会在此召开保税区工作研讨会,使与会同志倍受鼓舞。 李鹏总理于5月22日至25日,在中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记吴邦国和市长黄菊陪同厂下,考察了浦东新区,察看了外高桥保税区、外高桥保税区港务公司、外高桥保税区开发公司、上海保税生产资料第二交易市场和杨浦大桥等。 李鹏在上海考察工作时说,上海是万里长江入海口,地理位置优越,又有良好的工业基础和人才优势,要充分利用这些有利条件,把上海建成国际经济、金融、贸易中心之一。 李鹏说:我还要讲一个特别重要的观点,上海要真正成为国际金融、贸易、经济中心之一的话,必须要解决班轮问题。为什么现在都要到香港转口贸易?就是因为香港有定期的航班。我们搞市场经济,不仅要商品质量好,要对路,还要重视交货期,我们对这一点认识是不够的。按照国际惯例,航运应该是以集 Premier Li Peng inspected the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone and bonded port shipping companies in the morning of May 23. The China Port Association held a seminar on the bonded area work so that the participating comrades were greatly encouraged. Li Peng visited the Pudong New Area from May 22 to May 25, accompanied by Wu Bangguo, mayor of the CPC Central Committee, and Huang Ju, the mayor of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee. Mr. Li Peng inspected the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone and the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Port Corporation, Takahashi Bonded Zone Development Corporation, Shanghai Bonded Production Materials Second Exchange Market and Yangpu Bridge. During his inspection tour in Shanghai, Li Peng said that Shanghai is a mile-long Yangtze River estuary and enjoys a superior geographical position and a good industrial foundation and talent. To make full use of these favorable conditions, Shanghai will become one of the international economic, financial and trade centers. Li Peng said: I must also say a particularly important point. If Shanghai wants to truly become one of the international financial, trade and economic centers, it must solve the issue of liner. Why do we now have to re-trade Hong Kong? Because Hong Kong has regular flights. We engage in market economy, not only to the good quality of goods, to the right path, but also attach importance to delivery, we know this is not enough. In accordance with international practice, shipping should be set
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