Current and future molecular diagnostics in colorectal cancer and colorectal adenoma

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sicong907171
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Colorectal cancer(CRC)is one of the most prevalent cancers in developed countries.On the other hand,CRC is also one of the most curable cancers if it is detected in early stages through regular colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.Since CRC develops slowly from precancerous lesions,early detection can reduce both the incidence and mortality of the disease.Fecal occult blood test is a widely used non-invasive screening tool for CRC.Although fecal occult blood test is simple and cost-effective in screening CRC,there is room for improvement in terms of the accuracy of the test.Genetic dysregulations have been found to play an important role in CRC development.With better understanding of the molecular basis of CRC,there is a growing expectation on the development of diagnostic tests based on more sensitive and specific molecular markers and those tests may provide a breakthrough to the limitations of current screening tests for CRC.In this review,the molecular basis of CRC development,the characteristics and applications of different non-invasive molecular biomarkers,as well as the technologies available for the detection were discussed.This review intended to provide a summary on the current and future molecular diagnostics in CRC and its pre-malignant state,colorectal adenoma. CRC is also one of the most prescribing cancers if it is detected in early stages through regular colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Since CRC is slowly from precancerous lesions , early detection can reduce both the incidence and mortality of the disease. Fecal occult blood test is a widely used non-invasive screening tool for CRC. Yet fecal occult blood test is simple and cost-effective in screening CRC, there is room for improvement in terms of the accuracy of the test. Genetic dysregulations have been found to play an important role in CRC development. More better understanding of the molecular basis of CRC, there is a growing expectation on the development of diagnostic tests based on more sensitive and specific molecular markers and those tests may provide a breakthrough to the limitations of current screening tests for CRC. this review, the molecular basis of CRC development, the charact eristics and applications of different non-invasive molecular biomarkers, as well as the technologies available for the detection were discussed ..This review intended to provide a summary on the current and future molecular diagnostics in CRC and its pre-malignant state, colorectal adenoma.
摘 要:新课程改革为教学过程带来了更多的要求,各个学科的教师在教学过程中需要在了解学生学习需求的基础上不断地对自身教学方法进行调整。这也使得很多教学方法出现在了人们的视线中,反思性教学就是其中一种。本文以初中英语写作为研究对象,在对反思性教学法在初中英语写作中应用意义阐述的基础上,为在初中写作中更好地应用反思性教学提出了相应的对策,希望能够更加有效地提升初中英语写作的整体教学水平。  关键词:初中
摘 要:初中学生刚刚脱离家长的庇护开始独自接触社会,由于青春期的到来,学生生理的成熟,叛逆期开始出现,致使学生心理成长也面临着巨大的挑战。将沟通机制引入初中德育教育中,不仅有利于促进学生身心的健康成长,也同时能够提升德育教育的效益。因此,笔者围绕初中德育教育中沟通机制的构建做出相关探究。  关键词:初中教育;德育教育;沟通机制  德育工作是学校教书育人的一项重要任务。学校通过对学生开展有计划性的德
摘 要:隨着我国教育课程体系不断的优化、改革和发展,道德与法治成为初中教育中一个重要的组成部分。国家教育部门对初中道德与法治教学也很重视。道德与法治教学对学生的成长具有重要的作用,当前教师在教学中需要采取有效的措施,进行个性化教育的有效渗透。本文分析了如何在初中道德与法治课中渗透个性化教育的一些策略。  关键词:道德与法治课;初中;个性化教育;渗透;策略  一、 引言  强调学生的全面发展,是每个
摘 要:小学生的体育教育是针对小学生生理和心理的体育锻炼的教育。以实践性的手段对小学生进行体育教育和卫生常识的教育,提高免疫力,强壮体质,培养学生专注力,培养顽强拼搏、吃苦耐劳的意志品质等。  关键词:小学体育;兴趣培养;自律行为  要想上好小学的体育课,首先要了解现在小学体育课的现状!传统的体育课程已经不再适应科技飞速发展的现代,很多社会上的人群甚至教师都不了解小学体育活动,总认为体育是剧烈的、
摘 要:大专院校作为学生步入社会最后一站,对学生未来发展极为重要,在该阶段进行体育教育时,需要正确培养学生体育观念。本文分别从教学目标教学设计,教学环境三个方面探究在大专院校开展体育教学活动时快乐体育的实施策略。  关键词:快乐体育;大专院校;体育教学  一、 引言  现代社会的不断发展对我国教育工作提出了更高的要求,学生身体素质对其个人未来发展具有极其重要的现实意义,因此教师在进行体育教学活动时
摘 要:近年来,啦啦操成了备受关注和喜爱的体育运动项目,对高校大学生来说,啦啦操彰显了青春的气息,展示了时代的动感,丰富了校园的文化,具有非常重要的健康价值和社会功能。啦啦操是一项需要团队合作的项目,因此在高校啦啦操训练中,不但要训练学生的基本功和技能,还要注重对学生凝聚力的培养,本文对高校啦啦操训练中凝聚力的培养对策进行了分析,希望能够促进高校啦啦操的进一步发展。  关键词:高校;啦啦操;凝聚力