【摘 要】
Molecular alignment and orientation by laser fields has attracted significant attention in recent years, mostly due to new capabilities to manipulate the molecular spatial arrangement. Molecules can now be efficiently prepared for ionization, structural i
【出 处】
Molecular alignment and orientation by laser fields has attracted significant attention in recent years, mostly due to new capabilities to manipulate the molecular spatial arrangement. Molecules can now be efficiently prepared for ionization, structural imaging, orbital tomography, and more, enabling, for example, shooting of dynamic molecular movies. Furthermore, molecular alignment and orientation processes give rise to fundamental quantum and classical phenomena like quantum revivals, Anderson localization, and rotational echoes, just to mention a few. We review recent progress on the visualization, coherent control, and applications of the rich dynamics of molecular rotational wave packets driven by laser pulses of various intensities, durations, and polarizations. In particular, we focus on the molecular unidirectional rotation and its visualization, the orientation of chiral molecules, and the three-dimensional orientation of asymmetric-top molecules. Rotational echoes are discussed as an example of nontrivial dynamics and detection of prepared molecular states.
兰斯别尔格(Ландсберг)的介电常数椭球(элипсойд диэлектрической постоянной) 苏联兰斯别尔格院士所著《光学》(Оптика)一书于1954年发行第三版(该版由北京大学杨葭荪、张之翔译出,1957年在我国出版)。此书的第廿五章“晶体光学基础”中多次谈到介电常数椭球。如中译本464页上说:“在各向异性媒质方面,关于介电常数的一般规律是这样,那就是介电常数的全部数值可以用一个三轴的椭球来代表,这个椭球的三个主轴是α,β,γ_o(按:后面兰斯别尔格把α,β,γ换成ε_x
从理论上研究了主克尔型介质中非束缚态空间亮孤子的传输行为。 数值计算结果表明: 在主克尔型χ(3) χ(5)介质中可以传输非束缚态空间亮孤子。 传输稳定性与其背景平面波的横向渐近传播常数q和χ(3), χ(5)系数有关, 非平凡位相因子在三、 五阶效应竞争中的平衡作用, 是获得非束缚态空间亮孤子稳定传输的关键。
由于测绘相机在轨空间交会角在5″内变化才能保证数据的可靠传输, 本文研究了测绘相机交会角变化的计算方法。首先, 利用I-deas软件计算了测绘相机在极端高温和低温两种工况下的温度场。然后, 将计算得到的温度场作为温度载荷施加给结构模型, 实现了由温度网格到结构网格的温度映射, 即简单有限元模型到复杂有限元模型温度载荷的映射; 计算了测绘相机的热弹性变形, 得到了光学元件中心点变形量。最后, 利用自编的软件计算了在两种极端温况下正视和后视相机的在轨交会角变化。结果表明, 测试相机在高温和低温工况下空间交会角
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