行政委托是指行政机关将法定的行政职权委托给被委托人行使 ,并由委托机关承担法律后果的行为。行政委托是行政职权部分转移的一种形式 ,要符合以下要求 :1、委托机关只能将自己的职权委托给被委托人 ;2、委托的只能依照法律的规定 ,没有法律依据的委托是无效的 ;3、委托产?
Administrative entrustment means that the administrative organ entrusts the trustee with the statutory administrative powers to exercise the entrusting authority and assumes the legal consequence by the entrusting organ. Administrative entrustment is a form of partial transfer of administrative authority that meets the following requirements: 1. The entrusting authority can only entrust its own authority to the client. 2. The entrustment can only be conducted in accordance with the law. The trust without legal basis is Invalid; 3, commissioned production?