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目的通过调查某医学院校男生齿龈内阿米巴的感染情况,研究齿龈内阿米巴的感染与生活卫生习惯、口腔疾病等影响因素的关系,为进一步防治齿龈内阿米巴感染提供依据。方法 2013年4—7月选取某医学院校部分在校男生共245名进行问卷调查,用一次性消毒牙签取受检者晨起刷牙前齿龈与牙齿之间或病灶表面附着物,口腔内有牙齿排列不齐者取排列不齐的牙齿与该牙龈之间的附着物,口腔内无排列不齐牙齿者随机取齿龈与牙齿之间附着物。检查采用生理盐水直接涂片法。阳性率组间比较采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果齿龈内阿米巴感染率为29.4%。口腔健康者感染率19.9%,口腔疾病患者感染率43.4%,比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.80,P<0.05)。19~22岁感染率36.1%,15~18岁感染率24.1%,比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.21,P<0.05)。牙齿排列不齐者感染率24.2%,牙齿排列不齐者感染率37.5%,牙齿排列不齐者感染率较牙齿排列整齐者感染率高(χ2=5.01,P<0.05)。每天刷牙次数≥2次者与每天刷牙次数<2次者的齿龈内阿米巴感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.92,P<0.05);清淡饮食者与辛辣饮食者的齿龈内阿米巴的感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.50,P<0.05);经常嚼口香糖者与不经常嚼口香糖者的感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.43,P<0.05);使用中草药牙膏者与普通防龋牙膏者齿龈内阿米巴感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.61,P<0.05)。吸烟者齿龈内阿米巴感染率与不吸烟者感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.14,P<0.05)。饮酒者齿龈内阿米巴感染率与不饮酒者感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.44,P<0.05)。结论医科院校在校男生齿龈内阿米巴感染普遍,感染与生活习惯和口腔疾病有关。 Objective To investigate the relationship between the infection of Amoeba gingivalis in a medical school boy and the influencing factors such as the habits and habits of oral gingival amoeba and oral diseases and so on and provide the basis for further prevention and cure of the infections of avauginia gingivalis. Methods From April to July 2013, 245 male students from a certain medical school were enrolled in the questionnaire survey. One-time disinfection teeth were used to sign the subjects before the morning brushing teeth between the gums and the teeth or on the surface of the lesion. The teeth in the mouth Misaligned persons to take misaligned teeth and the attachment between the gums, no teeth in the mouth were randomly arranged between the gum and the attachment between the teeth. Check the direct smear method using saline. The positive rate was compared between groups using χ2 test, P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The rate of gingival infection was 29.4%. The infection rate of oral health was 19.9%, and the infection rate of oral diseases was 43.4%, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 15.80, P <0.05). The infection rate was 36.1% between 19 and 22 years old and 24.1% between 15 and 18 years old (χ2 = 4.21, P <0.05). Infection rate of missing teeth was 24.2%, infection rate of missing teeth was 37.5%. Infection rate of patients with missing teeth was higher than that with teeth arranged neatly (χ2 = 5.01, P <0.05). There was significant difference in the infection rate of gingival amoebic in those who brushing more than 2 times a day and those who brushing more than twice a day (χ2 = 6.92, P <0.05). In the light dietary and spicy dietary, (Χ2 = 4.50, P <0.05). There was significant difference in infection rates between those who chew chewing gum and those who did not chew gum most often (χ2 = 5.43, P <0.05) There was a significant difference in the infection rate of gingival amoebic with those of ordinary caries-resistant toothpaste (χ2 = 7.61, P <0.05). There was a significant difference in the rates of infection of gingival amoeba among non-smokers and smokers (χ2 = 7.14, P <0.05). There was a significant difference in the rate of gingival amoeba infection among non-drinkers (χ2 = 4.44, P <0.05). Conclusion The prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis in school medical students is common, and the infection is related to lifestyle and oral diseases.
利用改良的 Eckhardt 琼脂糖电泳法,检测50株可传递多重耐药痢菌及其接合传递体 R质粒 DNA 的电泳带并按照 meyer 等人介绍的方法推算出 R 质粒的分子量。结果证明在供体(痢
很想回趟小镇。那是一座有着1400余年历史的古镇,我童年的稚嫩和少年的青涩全部寄寓其中。凤山晓钟、龙矶夕照、城北荷池、鸿州烟雨……这与其说是景,不如说是人文中醉心的水墨,并于浅浅淡淡之中,洇进我的神魂。小镇小得像钵盆景,又精致得无以复加,断然没有古城墙滞重的气息。  我在小镇等一场雨。小镇的雨细密无声,概不张扬,它潜入檐上的瓦松中,又自瓦松的墨绿处滑向街边的青石板。如果你有足够的闲情,定能听到静谧
平头百姓过日子,哪能没有点磕磕碰碰、沟沟坎坎?有人磕碰破了,揉揉伤痛照常走路,有人遇沟过沟,遇坎过坎,日子照旧过得有滋有味;可有人磕碰破了疼在心里久久不去,遇到沟坎,即使过去了,还心有余悸,“我命苦哇!”的思绪才下眉头却上心头,像乌云笼罩在心空上。  那天老同学聚会,这个说,我命苦哇,儿子不长进,三十大几了还带着老婆孩子啃老;那个说我的命才苦呢,我的许多下级退休金比我高一倍;这个说,我的命是真苦,
周末的晚上,舒婉早早下班回家,准备了丈夫最爱吃的饭菜,然后笑盈盈地看着丈夫欧阳食欲颇佳地大饱口福,她的心中仿佛有一条欢快的小溪汩汩地流淌着。收拾停当,她又放了一池温水,看着丈夫神清气爽地走出来,她相信欧阳已知道自己在想什么。然而,丈夫只是轻轻拍了拍她的脸颊:“亲爱的,你先睡,我还要写一份工作计划。”  舒婉的眼里一下子盈满了泪水,她努力掩饰着走进卧室。黑暗中舒婉只是一个劲儿地想:所谓的工作计划只是