A number of markers were simultaneously detected in 101 cases of primary liver cancer (PHC). The positive rates were 76.2% for AFP, 85.1% for GGTII, 24.8% for ALPI, and 75.1% for AAT. Compared with liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, liver benign lesions, extrahepatic tumors, normal people and other groups, the difference was significant. The false positive rate was higher in the cirrhosis group, which was AFP 15.0%, GGT II 10.0%, ALPI 3.3%, and AAT 26.7%. In 24 cases with AFP <50 ng/ml, the positive rate of GGTII was 70.8%, the ALPI was 16.7%, and the AAT was 66.7%. The results of this study showed that the sensitivity and specificity of GGTII in diagnosing PHC were better than AFP, ALPII and AAT. The complementary diagnosis of GGTII and AFP can increase the positive rate.