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台湾股票市场上,散户的投资管道仍以参加投顾会居多,为了给投资人更多选择并且看好盘中节目这块市场大饼,近几年不少新闻媒体,纷纷加入这块战场,以期待拉高收视率增加广告收入,目前股市盘中节目(电视台自制或外制)超过十家,可谓竞争激烈,虽然投资人参考性多了,但误踩地雷股或被坑杀的消息时有所闻,有鉴于此,本研究欲从投资人及产官学界对盘中财经节目与投顾分析师可信度的评估标准与影响因素,尝试为电视媒体建构出一个制作财经节目与选取投顾分析师的参考。本研究具体目的为:一、探讨投资人对电视盘中财经节目可信度的评估情形。二、探讨投资人对电视盘中投顾分析师可信度的评估情形。三、了解投资人评估电视财经节目与投顾分析师可信度的交叉因素。四、提供财经节目经营者及投顾分析师在节目制作之参考。本研究分别利用“问卷调查法”及“深度访谈法”等研究方法,来进行研究资料的搜集、分析、汇整及解释,同时兼顾“质”与“量”两种研究途径,以期获取较完善的研究结果。在问卷设计上,自变项部分主要为阅听人媒体使用行为、金钱态度与投资行为、人口统计变项,而依变项部分则为投顾分析师可信度与财经节目可信度,进而探讨其中之相关性。研究发现阅听众对投顾分析师之可信度评估,以“专业道德”和“客观”为最主要因素,而“传播技巧”、“外向”与“音速”则较为不重要。而阅听众对电视财经节目之可信度评估,以“正确性”、“客观”和“专业性”为最主要因素,而“信任感”为其中重要性较低之因素。 In Taiwan’s stock market, retail investors still have a large number of investment channels in their investment pact. In order to give investors more choices and optimistic about the market’s big pie, many news media have joined the battlefield in recent years Look forward to pull up the ratings to increase advertising revenue, the current stock market intraday programs (TV stations homemade or external) more than ten, can be described as highly competitive, although investors more information, but mistakenly stamped mine stocks or pit kill time As a result, this study attempts to establish an evaluation model and influencing factors on the credibility of intraday financial programs and investment advisers from investors and academics and academics, and try to construct a TV program for the production of financial programs and selection of investment Gu analyst’s reference. The specific objectives of this study are: First, to explore investors’ assessment of the credibility of financial programs on television. Second, to explore the investors on the television disk investment analyst analyst confidence assessment. Third, understand the investors to assess the cross-section of the credibility of television financial programs and investment analysts. Fourth, to provide financial program operators and investment analysts in the production of the program reference. In this study, research methods such as “Questionnaire Method” and “In-depth Interview Method” were used respectively to collect, analyze, collect and interpret the research data, taking into account both “quality” and “quantity” Two kinds of research approaches, in order to obtain more perfect research results. In the questionnaire design, the main part of the independent variable is to read people’s media usage behavior, monetary attitude and investment behavior, and demographic variables. According to the variation part, it is the trustworthiness of the investment analyst and the credibility of the financial program, Then explore the relevance of these. The study found that audiences’ trustworthiness assessment of investment analysts is based on “professional ethics ” and “objective ” as the most important factor, and “communication skills ”, “outward ” and “sonic ”Is less important. However, the reliability evaluation of television financial programs by reading audiences is the most important factor with “correctness ”, “objective ” and “professional ”, and “trust ” Low factors.
数字    5万亿   2007年12月1日,财政部副部长王军透露:预计2007年我国的财政收入将突破5万亿元,与2006年相比将增收1.2万亿元。2007年行将结束,物价还在飞涨。国家财政收入破纪录地达到5万亿元时,CPI(居民消费价格指数)也攀升到6.5%的高位。    600亿元   国家发改委日前称,2007年前三季度全国征收石油特别收益金410亿元,预计2007年全年征收600亿元以上,