Analysis of Lao Tzu’s “Tao”

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  Abstract:The existence of “Tao” laid the foundation for Lao Tzu’s philosophical thought and created an difficult to guess or comprehend body of Chinese philosophy.Lao Tzu’s philosophical system is centered around “Tao”.The word “Tao” in Lao Tzu’s book is unified in symbolic form,but has different meanings in different chapters.This paper interprets the internal characteristics of Tao from three aspects:the source of“Tao”,The connotation of “Tao”,“Tao”produces all things,so that readers can better understand the ontological basis of Lao Tzu’s philosophy—Tao.
  Keywords:Lao Tzu;Tao;Theory that man is an integral part of nature
  The existence of “Tao” laid the foundation for Lao Tzu’s philosophical thought and created an difficult to guess or comprehend body of Chinese philosophy.The word “Tao” in Lao Tzu’s book is unified in symbolic form,but has different meanings in different chapters.but there is a certain connection between there connotations.There are various opinions in the academic circles about the interpretation and research of “Tao”.The author interprets the origin essence and internal characteristics of “Tao” in his own language style,so that readers can have a deeper understanding of Lao Tzu’s ontological basis—Tao.
  The source of “Tao”
  The concept of“Tao” was not created by Lao Tzu,but appeared before Lao Tzu.The word “Tao” first appeared in the bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty.The concept of “Tao” was widely used in the late Western Zhou Dynasty.The word “Tao” originally refers to roads and paths.From the perspective of Chinese characters,the word“Tao” is composed of lines and heads,indicating walking and direction,extending to the meaning of road and guidance and so on.Because it has this meaning,it has been further upgraded to the meaning of methods,principles and rules.The meaning of “Dao” has been evolving in the long history.At first,there are meanings such as likes and dislikes,integrity,rules,righteousness and so on.In the Spring and Autumn period,the meaning of “Tao” was further developed.“Tao” in ZuoZhuan and GuoYu has not only the meaning of road,method,principle and law,but also the meaning of natural law,social law and human relation law,so as to explain the objective law of nature “the way of heaven” and the “human way” of social law and human relation law.In the way,Tao is divided into “Heaven’s way” and “Humanity” and the unity of opposites between them is further illustrated,which is of great and far-reaching significance in the development of “Tao” and the history of Chinese traditional culture.This view predicts that the relationship between heaven and man will become an important basic problem in ancient Chinese philosophy,and also regulates the development trend of Taoism in ancient Chinese philosophy.It is in the process of thoroughly discussing the Heaven,Humanity and their relationship that the meaning of Tao is constantly enriched and rises to one of the basic categories of the Chinese philosophy.
摘 要:顾名思义,在“身韵”这一词中,“身”指代的是身法,即古典舞的外部表现技法;“韵”指代的是韵律,即由内而外所散发出来的气韵。自出现身韵之后,就彻底颠覆了古典舞对古典戏曲舞蹈的依附,逐渐发展和演变成为一种独特的舞蹈模式。“身韵”在古典舞基训课里的重要性毋庸置疑,所有成熟的舞蹈演员都会高度融合“形、神、劲、律”,因而其所呈现的动作充满了艺术魅力和审美价值,这恰恰是通过“身韵”所展现出来的。  身
摘要:目前,在建筑行业当中,采用传统的建筑施工管理流程,但伴随着经济发展的需求,建筑行业的不断发展,对于施工管理中的绿色节能要求越来越高。绿色节能建筑施工管理要求在施工的各个方面能够保证环保、节能、绿色、创新等要求。本文主要针对建筑施工管理的特点进行分析,找出绿色节能建筑施工管理当中存在的问题,并提出有效的改进措施,从而完善绿色节能建筑施工管理的流程。  关键词:绿色节能;建筑施工管理;有效策略 
摘 要:文以载道,此种道拥有普遍性,也具备时代性与个人性。作为我国豪放词派的开山鼻祖,苏东坡突破了以往的婉约词风,开创了以清旷,豁达,豪迈为主的新词风,并极大地影响了后人词的创作。本文将从大时代背景,苏东坡个人经历以及儒释道三教合流三个角度来分析,探寻东坡词风的成因。  关键词:苏东坡;词风;儒道释  苏东坡作为中国历史上罕见的文学奇才,其于词上的造就不可不谓之炉火纯青。他的词清旷豪迈,又不失委婉
摘 要:《追风筝的人》作为美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的,小说刻画了主人公阿米尔的身心成长历程,刻画了阿米尔内心世界及从迷茫走向领悟的成长的故事。本文从荣格的原型理论角度分析《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的成长。通过分析阿米尔的成长,反映出主人公思想和心理的逐步成熟病寻求自我救赎和自我实现的意识,展示出主人公特有的情感和心里路程。從阿尼玛原型、阴影原型分析阿米尔的心理成长,直面过去的罪孽,克服自己的性格缺
一、儒家文化对国内品牌建设的影响  诞生于春秋战国时期的儒家文化,由孔子所提出、论述,经其后人及弟子的不断继承、发展而得到广范传播,它对中国及其全世界都产生了重要的影响。当今社会以弘扬传统文化为己任,儒家文化作为优秀的传统文化,需要发挥它的社会作用,带动经济、文化的发展,向其它国家展现它的风彩。  (一)济宁市与曲阜市的文化品牌产品  (1)孔府家酒  孔府家酒伴随着儒家文化的产生而产生,随着儒家
雾凝千岭,巍巍燕山。  国之珏玉,菁菁少年。  仰班固携笔从戎  慕宗愨长风破浪  御战鹰翱翔天际  操长戈护卫中华  我们守卫着这里  这里没有河流  没有群山  没有树木  可是,  这里有我们  这里是祖国的领空  在这里  我们让敌人颤抖  让战争胜利  我们愿意  愿意用自己的生命与汗水  用自己的意志与勇气  去承担  责任、使命与荣耀  每当大地从沉睡中苏醒,  第一缕朝阳照射的是我
摘 要:相声是传承近两百年的中华优秀传统文化。它起源于华北地区的民间说唱曲艺,主要采用“口头方式”表演,是扎根于民间,源于生活,深受广大人民群众欢迎的曲艺表演艺术形式。本文结合自身工作经历实例,探讨相声如何在“深入生活、扎根人民中进行无愧于时代的文艺创造”,如何在进一步的文化传承与创新中实现“生机勃发”。  关键词:相声;群众文化;传承;创新  习近平总书记在党的十九大报告中指出:“社会主义文艺是
摘 要:图形是一种图画式语言,这种语言是靠图形说话,而不是靠文字来注释,是一种有助于视觉传播的简练而单纯的语言,使人们对图形所提供的信息一目了然,具有直观性,能直接呈现在大众面前,犹如事实的再现,可视性好。俗话说“眼见为实,耳听为虚”。人们对图画或语言传达的信息可信度超过了纯粹的语言、文字,使它成为最具有说明性和说服力的语言形式。学习图形设计之前,必须对图形的起源和发展有一个初步的认识和了解,这对
我的父亲出生在1968年,身高也是168,個子虽然不高,但是足以撑起这个家,让我生活成想要的样子。  父亲没有赶上三年自然灾害,但是赶上了文革,爷爷是大队书记(那时候还不叫村支书),文革期间自然得罪了少人,不论文斗、武斗,总之村里人吃不上饭就会偷公家的粮食,而捉住后便被我爷爷狠狠的打一顿。爷爷在世时,一直有些鼻炎,所以喉咙里经常会发出很大的声响,他在世时只要一声咳嗽,所有偷懒的、打小牌的、下棋的人