生产生活一起抓 基层官兵笑哈哈

来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BNBNBN668
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6221 1部队党委“一班人”在部队地处戈壁荒滩,环境恶劣的艰苦条件下,认真学习实践科学发展观,坚持“面向基层,服务官兵”,着力改善基层生活条件。他们从改善官兵就餐环境和伙食质量入手,不断加大财力投入,既抓生产,又抓生活,取得了明显成效。目前,官兵每餐都能吃到8个菜、8种 Under the harsh conditions of the harsh conditions of the Gobi desert beach, the “one group” of the armed party committees conscientiously study and practice the scientific concept of development, adhere to the principle of “facing the grassroots and serving the officers and men” and strive to improve grass-roots living conditions. Starting from improving the dining environment and food quality of officers and soldiers, they have steadily increased their investment in financial resources, both in production and in grasping life, and achieved remarkable results. At present, officers and soldiers can eat 8 dishes and 8 kinds of food per meal
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薛红升,1967年7月生,1988年入伍,2005年从第二炮兵某部转业,曾荣立三等功1次,多次被评为优秀共产党员、优秀教员。脱下军装,自主择业 Xue Hongsheng, born in July 1967 and
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