
来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frenta
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研究了饼肥,绿肥,秸秆肥三种处理在等氮等磷条件下对胡敏酸结构特性的影响,采用元素分析,显微红外,固态13 C-NMR三种分析方法进行结构解析,结果表明:不同施肥处理的胡敏酸在化学组成和结构上类似,但还有很多明显的差别。(1)饼肥处理的胡敏酸H和N含量最高,绿肥处理的胡敏酸含O量最大,秸秆肥处理的胡敏酸含C量最高(2)红外分析显示,三种处理的胡敏酸均含有蛋白质及碳水化合物,饼肥处理的胡敏酸含氨基化合物最多,绿肥处理的胡敏酸含羟基,脂肪烃含量最大,秸秆肥处理的胡敏酸含醇,酚含量最高;(3)固态13 C-NMR数据表明饼肥处理的胡敏酸含有最多的羧基碳,绿肥处理的胡敏酸含有烷基碳,羰基碳最多。秸秆肥处理的胡敏酸烷氧基碳,芳香碳含量最大。 The effects of cake fertilizer, green manure and straw fertilizer on the structural characteristics of humic acid were studied under nitrogen and other phosphorus conditions. Structural analysis was conducted by elemental analysis, micro-infrared and solid state 13 C-NMR analysis. The results showed that : Humic acids with different fertilizers are similar in chemical composition and structure, but there are many obvious differences. (1) The contents of humic acid H and N were the highest in the treatment of cake, the content of humic acid in green manure was the highest, and the content of humic acid in straw fertilizer was the highest (2) Infrared analysis showed that the three treatments were Hu Min The acid contained protein and carbohydrate, humic acid containing amino compounds in the cake was the most, the humic acid in green manure contained hydroxyl and the content of aliphatic hydrocarbon was the highest, and the humic acid in straw fertilizer had the highest content of alcohol and phenol. (3) Solid-state 13 C-NMR data showed that humaric acid from cake treatment contained the most carboxyl carbon, while humic acid from green manure contained alkyl carbon with the most carbonyl carbon. The fatty acid treatment of straw fatty acids alkoxy carbon, aromatic carbon content of the largest.