企业 别忽视了你的商业秘密

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市场经济的发展以及我们与世界融合步伐的加快,商业秘密保护的问题也比以往任何时候都更引人注意,而只有看好自己的“饭碗”才有发展的余地。所谓商业秘密,是指不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。正因为商业秘密是企业立足市场不被竞争对手轻易击败的“杀手锏”,甚至关系到企业的生死存亡,因而人们通常把商业秘密称作“企业生命线”。 With the development of the market economy and the acceleration of our integration with the world, the issue of the protection of commercial secrets has become more conspicuous than ever before. Only by envisioning its own “rice bowl” will there be room for development. The so-called trade secrets refer to the technical information and management information that are not known to the public, can bring economic benefits to the obligee, are practical and are subject to the obligee’s confidential measures. Because trade secrets are the “killer” that enterprises can not easily defeat by their competitors based on the market, and even affect the life and death of enterprises, people often refer to trade secrets as the “lifeline of the enterprise.”
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从12月开始、又有一批事关市场规范、企业行为的新规定走进人们的视野,开始影响人们生活的方方面面。 From December onwards, there are a number of new regulations on m