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作为一个传统的农业大国,中国自古以来就无时不遭到天灾的打击和困扰,传统的农业以及以此为基础而形成的个体经济和国家经济也同时步履蹒跚地发展着。但虽如此,长期以来,勤劳、勇敢、智慧的中国人民,与自然灾害进行了顽强的斗争。可以说,大自然在为人类造就灾荒的同时,也为人类的抗灾自救提供了条件。中国古代为抗击天灾而制定、形成了内容非常丰富的救灾措施,从人类追求自身解放和文明进化的角度看,这又是“因祸得福”。清代作为古代社会的最后王朝,在吸取前面各代救灾立法经验的基础上,把中国古代的救灾制度推向了一个鼎盛阶段。笔者以为,在天灾仍不断威胁我们的生存和发展的今天,对清代较为完备的救灾法律制度进行研究,似有其必要。 As a traditional agrarian power, China has always been hit and victimized by natural disasters since ancient times. The traditional agriculture and the individual and national economies based on this have also been faltering. However, for a long time, the hard-working, courageous and wise Chinese people have waged tenacious struggles against natural disasters. It can be said that while nature has created a disaster for mankind, it has also provided conditions for mankind’s self-help in the fight against disaster. In ancient China, it was formulated to fight against natural disasters and formed a very rich disaster relief measure. From the perspective of mankind’s pursuit of its own liberation and the evolution of civilization, this is again “blessing by disaster”. As the last dynasty of ancient society, Qing dynasty took the experience of disaster relief in previous generations on the basis of the ancient disaster relief system in China to a heyday. I believe that in the natural disasters continue to threaten our survival and development today, the Qing Dynasty a more complete system of disaster relief law seems to be necessary.
创造力是选择、吸收、重新组合或改造知识的能力 ,从成果来看 ,也可以说就是“解决问题的能力” ,它主要包括敏觉力、流畅力、变通力和独创力。成语是中华民族智慧的结晶 ,语
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序言 创建于1995年,由周恩来总理亲自倡议,毛主席批准成立的外交学院,是中华人民共和国外交部直属的一所培养外交外事、国际问题研究、涉外经济及法律等复合型人才的高等学
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公诉机关:河北省定州市人民检察院。 被告人:邹全保,男,40岁,河北省定州市周村乡疙瘩头村农民。1999年7月9日被逮捕。 河北省定州市人民检察院向定州市人民法院提起公诉,指