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如果从上世纪90年代初中国石油天然气总公司低调走出国门算起,包括中国石油在内的三大国家石油公司的国际化经营之路已经走了逾十年。十年奔波,十年坎坷。三大公司的国际化经营之路走得并不顺畅。跨国石油公司的先入为主,东道国公司的强力阻击,对所入区域的不熟悉,凡此种种,都成为前进路上的荆棘。开弓没有回头箭,无论是为了自身的发展壮大,还是为了国家的能源安全,三大公司都必须义无反顾,奋进不止。不过,对初入国际化经营之门的三大公司来说,行业内的“前辈”有无值得借鉴之处?国际化经营有无“捷径”可走?从诸多迈向国际化经营的石油公司当中,我们遴选出三家代表,分别代表不同的类型,以为三大公司的国际化经营提供一个可资借鉴的范本。bp这个名字在业界如雷贯耳,其娴熟的国际化经营技巧令人叹为观止,尤其是约翰·布朗这位瘦瘦的勋爵接手以后,一系列国际化的大手笔更是使bp赶埃(埃克森美孚)超壳(壳牌),坐上了世界第一大石油公司的宝座。对于这个遥不可及的对手,三大公司“虽不能至”,也应“心向往之”。bp既是三大公司借鉴的榜样,亦是奋斗的目标。埃尼集团从“出生”那一天起,就咬住国际化经营不放松,在勘探开发、天然气与电力等领域取得了显著成果。其“有收有放,重点突破”的做法,当令三大公司深思。马来西亚国家石油公司(PETRONAS)与三大公司极其相似,甚至国际化经营的时间亦相差不大,但短短十年,PETRONAS就脱颖而出,成长为地区性石油公司国际化经营的佼佼者,它又是怎么做的?漫步其间,取长避短,祈愿三大公司的国际化经营一路走好。 If from the low-profile China National Petroleum Corporation go abroad in the early 90s of last century, the international operation of the three major national oil companies, including PetroChina, has gone more than 10 years. Decades rush, ten years ups and downs. The internationalization of the three companies did not go well. The preconceptions of the multinational oil companies, the strenuous efforts of the host country companies and their unfamiliarity with the regions they have entered have all become the thorns on the way forward. There is no turning back on the bow, no matter for its own development and growth, or for the country’s energy security, the three major companies must hesitate to forge ahead. However, for the first three companies entering the international business door, the industry’s “predecessors” whether there is any reference? Is there any “shortcut” to go international? From many oil into the international operation Among the companies, we have selected three representatives, each representing a different type, in order to provide a template for the international operations of the three major corporations. bp name in the industry thunderously, its skilled international business skills amazing, especially after John Brown’s skinny Lord took over a series of international generous is to make bp rush (exxon Mobil) Shell (Shell), get on the throne of the world’s largest oil company. For this unattainable rival, the three major corporations “can not go” but should also “look forward to it.” bp is not only an example for the three companies to learn from, but also a target for their struggle. From the day of “birth”, Eni Group seized international business and did not relax. It has made remarkable achievements in the fields of exploration and development, natural gas and electricity. Its practice of “putting in or putting aside, major breakthroughs” made the three major companies think deeply. PETRONAS is very similar to the three major companies and even has a very similar international operation. However, PETRONAS has emerged as a leader in the internationalization of regional oil companies in just 10 years. What to do? Stroll the meantime, take strengths and weaknesses, pledging the international operation of the three companies all the best.
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