,Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: the future of quantum computing

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angus000
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Quantum computing and quantum computers have attracted much attention from both the academic community and industry in recent years.By exploiting the quantum properties of materials,scientists are aiming to overcome Moores law of miniaturization and develop novel quantum computers.The concept of quantum computing was first introduced by the distinguished physicist Richard Feynman in 1981.As one of the early pioneers in this field,Turing Award laureate Andrew Chi-Chih Yao made a seminal contribution in developing the theoretical basis for quantum computation in 1993.Since 2011,he has served as the founding director of Tsinghua Universitys Center for Quantum Information (CQI),which aims to become a world-class research center for quantum computing.In a recent interview with NSR,Yao recounted the history of quantum computing and expressed his view on the future of this field.He suggests that quantum computers could excel in many tasks such as the design of new materials and drugs as well as in the simulation of chemical reactions,but they may not supersede traditional computers in tasks for which traditional computers are already proven to be highly efficient.
轻轻抿抿嘴,浓雾驱散开。轻轻一嗅,一股沁人的芬芳弥漫开,顿觉恍如隔世的空灵孤傲。  不想急于去解渴,而是凝神注视了很久,才去细品这股醇美甘甜。  苦丁茶:“我的苦只是伪装的残忍,智者才会领悟我最深处的一缕馨香。”  对于苦丁茶,我向来有所畏惧。撩开迷蒙遮眼的热雾,看那深色的茶叶一点点地舒展开。原本白净的水顿时染上了青墨色,像幅泼墨的山水画。茶叶时而沉下,时而扬起。  端着细致的茶杯,缓缓地品了一口
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