事故隐患乃潜伏的事故产生之根源,由于其具有一定的潜伏性、隐秘性、不确切性,往往使人们难以察觉。一些突发事故从天而降,让人不可捉摸,不可思议,令人难以置信;其实事故隐患早已潜伏在我们身边,只是我们还没有意识到。事故隐患一日不除,厂无宁日,人无宁时。如果我们忽视了事故隐患的存在,它将象幽灵般地缠绕着你,让你深受其害,猝不及防,甚至狼狈不堪。 消除和控制事故隐患不但是必须的,同时也是一项艰巨、曲折、长期的需要常抓不懈的工作。若要消除和控制事故隐患,就须从认识隐患入手,分析隐患的特点,寻找隐患存在的规律,做到知已知彼,才能有效地消除
Accident hidden danger is the root cause of latent accidents, because of its latent, hidden and inaccurate, often make it difficult to detect. Some unexpected incidents fall from the sky, people are unpredictable, incredible, incredible; in fact, hidden dangers have long been hidden in our side, but we have not realized. The hidden dangers of accidents are not eliminated on one day. If we ignore the hidden dangers of the accident, it will ghostly wrap around you, leaving you vulnerable, caught off guard, or even find any. Eliminating and controlling hidden dangers of accidents is not only necessary, but also a difficult, tortuous and long-term task that requires constant effort. To eliminate and control the hidden dangers of accidents, we must start from the understanding of hidden dangers, analyze the characteristics of hidden dangers and find out the law of existence of hidden dangers so that we can know that we can effectively eliminate them