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(這個决議於一九五一年十二月十五日中共中央以草案形式发給各級黨委試行,至一九五三年二月十五日中共中央通過成為正式决議,並做了部分的修改。)(一)農民在土地改革基礎上所發揚起來的生產積極性,表現在兩方面:一方面是個體經濟的積極性。另方面是互助合作的積極性,農民的這些生產積極陸,是迅速恢復和發展國民經濟和促進國家工業化的基本因素之一。因此,黨對於農村生產的正確领導,具有極重大的意義。(二)解放俊農民對於個體經濟的積極性是不可避免的。黨充分地瞭解了農民這種小私有者的特點,並指出不能忽視和粗暴地挫折農民這种個體經濟的積極性。在這方面,常是堅持了鞏固地聯合中農的政策。對於富農經濟,也還是讓它發展的。根據我們國家現在的經濟條件,農民個體经濟在一個相當長的時期內,將還是大量存在的。因此,政治協商會議共同綱領曾經指出:應該「使各種社會經濟成分在國營經濟領導之下,分工合 (The resolution was passed on a draft basis to the Party committees at all levels for trial on December 15, 1951. On February 15, 1953, the CPC Central Committee passed an official resolution and did a Part of the amendment.) (A) farmers in the land reform based on the enthusiasm of production, manifested in two aspects: on the one hand is the enthusiasm of the individual economy. On the other hand, it is the enthusiasm for mutual cooperation and cooperation. These peasants’ active production is one of the basic factors for the prompt restoration and development of the national economy and the promotion of national industrialization. Therefore, the party has the utmost significance for the correct leadership of rural production. (B) liberation Jun peasants enthusiasm for the individual economy is inevitable. The party fully understands the characteristics of peasants, such small proprietors, and points out that the enthusiasm of peasants as an individual economy can not be neglected and rudely set aside. In this respect, the policy of consolidating and uniting the middle peasants is often adhered to. For the rich peasant economy, it is still allowed to develop. According to the current economic conditions in our country, the peasant individual economy will still be in large numbers for a fairly long period of time. Therefore, the common agenda of the Political Consultative Conference has pointed out: It is necessary to "make all kinds of social and economic components under the leadership of the state-run economy,