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言说这个题目,首先还是从胡长孺这个人来破题。胡长孺(1240—1314),字汲仲,号石塘,宋末元初婺州永康(今浙江永康西城街道山下村)人。他出生于几代传承的经学世家,远祖胡邦直、祖父胡岩、父亲胡居仁均为宋朝的名进士,可谓家学渊源深厚的书香门第。他幼承家学,自小即勤奋刻苦,曾拜著有《大学辨问》的青田著名学者余学古为师,传承著名的朱熹嫡传弟子叶味道(字学道,1222—?,朱熹的好友、南宋著名的理学家叶适之 Say this topic, first of all, or from Hu Changxuan this person to break the title. Hu Changxuan (1240-1314), word Ji Zhong, stone pond, Song Dynasty early Wuyuan Yongkang (now Zhejiang Yongkang Xicheng Street Village under the mountain) people. He was born in several generations of Confucian classics, Yuzu ancestral Hu straight, grandfather Hu Yan, his father Hu Juren are famous Jinshi of the Song Dynasty, can be described as profound scholarly family background. His childhood inheritance, childhood that is industrious and hardworking, has been worship with a “university questioning” Qingtian famous scholar Yu learn ancient as a teacher, inherited the famous disciple of Zhu Xi leaf flavor (word learning, 1222- ?, Zhu Xi Friends, the famous Southern Song physician Yeh suitable