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在社会主义市场经济条件下,编辑出版工作将如何变革,如何发展,这是近年来出版界热烈讨论的问题。到目前为止,大家的认识还不完全一致,在实践中也没有形成比较成熟、完善的改革模式。这种情况是正常的。建立社会主义市场经济是没有先例的历史创举,需要进行艰苦的探索。出版领域的改革任务更加繁重艰巨。这里涉及物质生产的发展同精神生产的不平衡关系,涉及编辑出版工作跨精神生产和物质生产两大领域,市场经济规律和精神生产规律同时发生作用这样一些复杂的问题。我们要全面、客观地分析这种复杂情况,既要充分认识编辑出版工作必须和社会主义市场经济体制相适应,又要重视编辑出版工作的特殊性。“一旦它们的特殊性被确定了,它们也就被解释明白了。”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第2卷114页)下面试从编辑出版工作和物质生产活动的关系及其特殊性的角度,对出版物、出版机构的属性和出版市场的作用等问题作一些分析: Under the condition of socialist market economy, how to change the editorial and publishing work and how to develop it is a heated discussion in the publishing field in recent years. So far, everyone’s understanding is not exactly the same, and in practice there is no more mature and complete reform model. This situation is normal. Establishing a socialist market economy is a historical precedent without precedent and requires arduous exploration. The task of reform in publishing is even more arduous and arduous. The issue involves the unbalanced relationship between the development of material production and spiritual production, and the complicated issues of the two major fields of inter-spiritual production and material production of editorial and publishing work, the law of market economy and the law of spiritual production. We must comprehensively and objectively analyze this complicated situation. We must fully understand that editing and publishing work must be compatible with the socialist market economic system and that the importance of editing and publishing work should be emphasized. “Once they have been identified, they are understood.” (Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2, p. 114) From the perspective of the relationship between editorial and publishing work and material production activities and their peculiarities, Some analysis of issues such as publications, the nature of publishing houses and the role of publishing markets:
2016年11月末,又是“公考”来临时,百万学子带着“虽百万人吾往矣”的气魄奔赴考场,进行第一轮的角逐。公考,指的是中央及地方公务员系统以及事业编制系统的各类选拔录用考试。虽然近年来关于理性看待“公考”的呼声不断,但是“公考”之热却始终“高烧不退”。  国家公务员局发布的统计报告显示,2017年国家公务员录用考试在全国31个省(区、市)47个城市的900多个考点同时举行,本次考试共有120多个中央
该文介绍了作者在双语教学实践中采用的教学方式和方法,同时也提出了一些在双语教学实践中遇到的问题。这些问题的解决对深化我国高校的双语教学活动具有重要意义。 This ar