
来源 :戏剧文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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在大众娱乐方式日趋丰富的情况下,戏剧的不景气是正常的.但是,大陆戏剧刚刚走向市场即颓败如斯,则无论如何不能说正常.这是我们长期以来习惯于吃大锅饭,习惯于将艺术做为社会政治的工具,指令性地完成戏剧创作,忽略对文化工业现象的分析,忽略艺术生产规律的结果.因此,因戏剧走向市场而有了危机感,对中国戏剧而言,未必不是好事.至少,它可以逼着我们走出虚假的象牙之塔,为了生存不得不将眼光放远点,正视由文化工业现象带来的戏剧艺术观的全面变化.从而促使这种变化由被动走向自觉,促使戏剧创作由虚假的繁荣,走向真正的繁荣。 It is normal for the slump of the drama to take place amidst the growing mass of popular entertainment, but it can not be said to be normal any time the mainland drama is about to go to the market, which is why we have been accustomed to eating big pots for a long time As a social and political tool, art finishes theatrical creation insofar as it ignores the analysis of the phenomenon of cultural industry and ignores the result of the law of artistic production, therefore, it is not necessarily the case for Chinese drama because of the crisis brought to the market Good thing.At least, it can force us to step out of the false tower of ivory, and in order to survive, we must take a long view and confront the comprehensive change of theatrical art view brought about by the phenomenon of cultural industry, so as to promote the change from passive to conscious, Drama creation from false prosperity, to real prosperity.
中国计算机学会1994—1995年度国际学术活动计划中国计算机学会1994—1995年度国际学术活动计划... China Computer Society 1994-1995 annual international academic plan China C
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