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对孙俪来说,她决定接演一部戏可以有很多理由,有时是剧本,有时是导演,有时就是和导演的一次聊天。自电影《越光宝盒》与电视剧《小姨多鹤》之后,孙俪有近一年的时间销声匿迹了。近期随着她与甄子丹主演的电影《关云长》的上映,以及大型古装剧《后宫·甄嬛传》的杀青和官网开通,孙俪又带着她的最新作品回到大家的视野里。只要站在台上,孙俪总是镁光灯追逐的焦点,这或许就是大明星的魅力吧。其实判断一个演员是否一线很简单,只要看他(她)是否需要有事没事混个脸熟。真正的明星从不担心观众会忘记他(她),不管他(她)消失了多久,只要他(她)再次在观众视线中出现,他(她)仍能收获欢呼和尖叫。从这个标准看,孙俪早已不是九年前《玉观音》里那个青涩的新人,不管是电影还是电视剧,她都有挑大梁的足够能量了。不过,成为明星似乎并不能使孙俪满足,甚至有时还会成为她小小的烦恼。作为明星, For Sun Li, she decided to take a show for a number of reasons, sometimes a script, sometimes a director, and sometimes a director and a chat. Since the movie “Treasure Box” and television series “aunt and more crane”, Sun Li has disappeared for nearly a year. Recently, with the release of her movie “Guan Yun Chang” starring Donnie Yen and the accomplishment and official website of the large-scale costume drama “Harem Zhen Huan Chuan”, Sun Li returned to her perspective with her latest work. As long as standing on the stage, Sun Li is always the focus of spotlight, which may be the charm of the big stars now. In fact, to judge whether an actress is very simple, just look at him (her) whether something needs to be mixed. The real star never fears that the audience will forget him or her, no matter how long he or she disappears, and as long as he or she appears again in the viewer’s line of sight, he or she can still enjoy cheering and screaming. From this standard, Sun Li is no longer the young newcomer in “Jade Goddess” nine years ago. She has enough energy to play a leading role in both film and television drama. However, becoming a star does not seem to satisfy Sun Li, or even her little annoyance at times. As a star,
目的:探讨正常成人言语诱发听性脑干反应(speech-ABR)主波的电生理特性,促进speech-ABR的基础研究及临床应用. 方法:记录正常成人64例右耳的speech-ABR,分析主波的极性、潜
讨论了一种利用微机对多块LED汉字显示屏进行联机寻址实时控制的方法,介绍了LED汉字显示屏的软硬件设计与实现,对实时控制中的某些关键问题也作了较详细的论述. This paper dis