
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright_wish
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根据几年来的实践,我们深深体会到,当前历史档案的整理工作,必须适应客观形势的需要,从为当前政治斗爭服务出发,尽量加快整理进度,防止和纠正那种陷于整理中拔不出脚来的作法。从这一总的精神和要求出发。考虑历史档案的整与不整,如何整和整到甚么程度,只能是看它是否:“有规可循,有目可查”。合乎这一标准的均可以不再加工。否则,可在原整理的基础上适当进行必要的加工。对这部分需要加工整理的档案,应该分清轻重缓急,区别对待。即:急需的重要的先整,整的细点好点,不急的一般的可以后整、粗整。在整理工作中,应该充分利用原基础,尽量减少加工的任务。凡属可动可不动的,就一律不动。几年来,我们就是本着 According to the practice of the past few years, we have come to realize that the work of arranging the current historical archives must meet the needs of the objective situation. Starting from serving the current political struggles, we should try our best to speed up the progress of the arrangement and prevent and correct the sorts Foot to practice. Starting from this general spirit and demand. Consideration of the whole history of the file and the whole, how the whole order to what extent, can only be seen whether it is: “There are rules to follow, there are visible.” In line with this standard can no longer be processed. Otherwise, the necessary processing can be properly carried out on the basis of the original arrangement. This part of the need for processing and finishing files, priorities should be divided, the difference treated. Namely: the urgent need of the whole first, the whole fine point, the general can not rush after the whole, rough. In the finishing work, we should make full use of the original foundation to minimize the processing tasks. All are immobile, they will not move. In recent years, we are in line
目的 研究奥美拉唑 (奥克 )和泰胃美三联疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌 (HP)相关性十二指肠溃疡的愈合率、HP根除率、主要症状缓解率及其安全性。方法 经胃镜证实的十二指肠溃疡患者
新中国成立60年来,祖国发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。在科学技术、国防力量、国民素质、生活水平、教育程度、综合国力、经济建设诸方面都 Over the past 60
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