认清形势 为振兴化学矿山而努力奋斗——潘连生同志在化学矿山生产工作会议上讲话摘要

来源 :化工矿山技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanchuangye
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(一)对矿山生产形势发展的估计1.粮食要上去,化肥要增产我国人口逐年增加,耕地逐年减少,这个条件下要增产粮食,就要求对农业多投入,其中,当然离不开化肥。部党组多次指出,任何时候都要把支农工作放在化学工业的首要位置,谁要不这么做,谁就要犯错误。据农业部门估计,粮食要达到1990年的目标,没有八千万吨以上的化肥是难以实现的。当前,我国化肥氮磷钾比例失调已被大家所公认,从人们对磷肥的认识与所具备的技术条件讲,磷肥的发展应该更快一些。“七五”期间磷肥的发展要快于氮肥,国家计划对磷肥工业投资××亿元,为“六五”期间的3.8倍。估计“八五”期间还要增加。 (I) Estimation of the development of the production situation of mines 1. The grain should go up, the output of chemical fertilizers should increase, and the population of our country increase year by year. The cultivated land will decrease year by year. To increase grain production under this condition, it is required to invest more in agriculture, of which, of course, fertilizers are indispensable. Ministry Party Group pointed out on many occasions that whenever agriculture should be supported at the top of the chemical industry, anyone who fails to do so must make mistakes. According to the estimation of the agricultural sector, the goal of food to achieve 1990 will not be achieved without more than 80 million tons of fertilizers. At present, the imbalance of NPK fertilizers in China has been recognized by all. From the people’s understanding of the phosphate fertilizer and its technical conditions, the development of phosphate fertilizer should be faster. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, the development of phosphate fertilizer should be faster than that of nitrogen fertilizer. The state plans to invest XXX billion yuan in the phosphate fertilizer industry and 3.8 times of the sixth five-year plan period. It is estimated that there will be an increase during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period.
目的:动机系统对于人类完成目标起着重要作用,最基本的两个动机系统为行为趋近系统(Behavioral Approach System, BAS)和行为抑制系统(Behavioral Inhibition System, BIS). B