赚钱效应引来天量客户 银华基金全面启动“投资者服务年”系列活动

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2006年是基金业的大发展年,根据最新公布的数据显示,中国基金业的资产净值从年初的4648亿上升到8546亿,直逼一万亿大关,而投资者的数量也不断增加。能否服务好遍布全国的投资者,使其长期、理性地投资基金,将关系到整个行业的稳定发展。近日,记者获悉,银华基金将2007年定位为“ The year 2006 is a year of great development for the fund industry. According to the latest figures, the net asset value of China’s fund industry rose to 854.6 billion yuan from 464.8 billion yuan at the beginning of the year, which is almost equal to one trillion yuan mark, while the number of investors is also on the rise. Whether it can serve investors all over the country and make it long-term and rationally invested in the fund will have a bearing on the steady development of the entire industry. Recently, this reporter was informed that Yinhua Fund will be positioned in 2007 as "
我每天早晨起床后,即先冲好一碗淡盐水晾着,等洗漱后温温地喝下去。这个习惯已经坚持数年了,自认为对身体健康很有好处,可以减少胃病和预防伤风感冒等时疫病症。 I wake up
编辑同志 …… 我有一个问题想请教,希望专家们答复。98年第5期《鸡蛋,我们身边的最佳营养宝库》文中列出了鸡蛋的很多好处。……现在(据说)有“人造鸡蛋”卖,而且,吃了对人