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刀瘤又称积屑瘤,它是在金属切削过程中很常见的一种物理现象,同时它对切削月程有着一定的影响,因此在苏联及其它国家中有许多学者在研究这个问题。但是到现在为止,除了对它的表面质量的影响此较清楚以外,至于它的本质究竞如何,它是如何形成的,以及它对切削过程中收缩系数、切削力,切削热,以及刀具磨损等的影响,还是不清楚的。因此本研究的目的,是企图将这样情况得出初步的结论,向同志们汇报一下,希望同志们多帮助多提意见。 此报告将分三部分: (一)综述历史上各国学哲对刀瘤的研究。 综合历史上各国学者的研究,关于刀瘤形成过程可分二大派别: (1)认为刀瘤是切屑中微粒的堆聚现象。 (2)认为是变形金属的停滞现象。虽然第一派别的说法因与事实不符是站不住脚的。现今的学者多属于第二派者,但就此大派中对于刀瘤的说法还是不一的。有,等的和冲济时停滞层一样的学说,有的粘性流体力学的学说等等,研究者企图在这部份中进行一些分析与批判。 (二)刀瘤形成过程的假说: 在这部份中将根据个人的见解提出关於刀瘤形成的假说,在这假说中企图说明刀瘤的本质,刀瘤形成的原因,刀瘤是如何撕去和成长等等,并用实验来证明其中的一些看法。 研究者认刀瘤形成的原因将与粘性流体力学中的涡流现象、摩擦中的粘着现象、变形金 Tumor, also known as build-up, is a common physical phenomenon during metal cutting. It also has an impact on the cutting schedule. Therefore, many scholars in the Soviet Union and other countries are studying this issue. But until now, apart from its clearer understanding of the effect on surface quality, how it has formed as a matter of course and its impact on shrinkage factor, cutting force, cutting heat, and tool wear during cutting The impact of such, is still not clear. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to attempt to draw the preliminary conclusions in such a situation and report it to the comrades. I hope that more comrades will help make more comments. This report will be divided into three parts: (1) Summarize the study on the swords and knots of various countries in history. Comprehensive history of scholars from all over the world, on the process of tumor formation can be divided into two major factions: (1) that the tumor is the accumulation of particles in the chip. (2) that stagnation of deformed metal phenomenon. Although the factions in the first faction are incompatible with the facts, they are untenable. Most scholars nowadays belong to the second group, but there is still a lot of talk about knives in this large group. There is, and so on the same stagnation when the school rush, some theory of viscous fluid mechanics and so on, the researchers attempt to carry out some analysis and criticism in this section. (B) the knot tumor formation process hypothesis: In this section will be based on personal opinion on the knife tumor formation hypothesis, in this hypothesis to attempt to explain the nature of tumor knife, knife tumor formation, knife tumor is how to tear Go and grow, etc., and experiment to prove some of them. Researchers believe that the cause of tumor formation will be associated with viscous fluid dynamics eddy current phenomenon, the phenomenon of friction in the adhesion, deformation gold
诱导性多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSCs)可通过对多种终末分化的体细胞进行外源性重编程而获得。iPSCs作为自体来源的细胞,在组织修复领域有着巨大的应用前
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有机化学一、回答下列问题(每题2分,共8分)(可能要选多个答案,答案不全或过多都不给分)1.与 CH_3OH 迴流,分子中 Cl 可被 CH_3O 基置换的有:() Organic Chemistry First, a
三、离子氮化钢的性能 1.强韧性氮化层的强韧性是以扭转角为单位来表示的。通过扭转试验,可以测得氮化层表面出现裂纹或发生破坏时的极限角度。如图13所示,在25%N_2的情况下,