7月13日, 北京赢得了 2008年奥林匹克运动会的主办权,这是中华民族体育发展史、文化发展史上的一件大事, 也是国际社会对中国经济快速发展, 社会不断进步的极大认同。 同样,中国的IT产业经过改革开放以来的大踏步跃进, 无论是技术水平还是产业规模, 都在不断挑
On July 13th, Beijing won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. This is a major event in the history of sports development and cultural development of the Chinese nation. It is also an international recognition of China’s rapid economic development and continuous social progress. Similarly, China’s IT industry has made great strides since its reform and opening up. Both the technological level and the industrial scale have been continuously challenged.