
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:du_one
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The Yangshao Culture(approx. 6.9–5.5 ka BP) and the Longshan Culture(approx. 4.6–4.0 ka BP) played important roles in Henan’s Neolithic Period. Due to spatial distribution of the Yangshao cultural sites, they had a river-oriented trend in comparison with those in the Longshan Period. Apart from terrain factors, distribution of the sites in both periods is subject to paleo-environmental changes. The Yangshao Culture originated in Holocene Optimum Period, and the Longshan Culture started in climatic fluctuations prior to Neolithic ending. But the latter owned more sites and wider scopes than the former did. Both the Cultures developed fast in rich rainfall and warm periods, and withered for abrupt cooling events in 5.4 ka BP and 4.0 ka BP respectively. Therefore, the sustainability of Henan’s Neolithic Cultures is not good as expected. Whilst, the ancient farming acted an irreplaceable part in distribution of human sites, and the need for farming space prompted human sites to expand from the western hilly areas towards the eastern plain of Henan. Moreover, the neighboring cultures poured into Henan and complicated the cultural patterns. Besides, characteristics of the sites in the Erlitou Period suggest that some social factors disturbed the spatial pattern at the end of Neolithic age in Henan. Due to spatial distribution of the Yangshao cultural sites, they had a river-oriented trend. (From 4.5 to 5.0 ka BP) and the Longshan Culture (approx. 4.6-4.0 ka BP) played important roles in Henan’s Neolithic Period. in comparison with those in the Longshan Period. Apart from terrain factors, distribution of the sites in both periods is subject to paleo-environmental changes. The Yangshao Culture originated in Holocene Optimum Period, and the Longshan Culture started in climatic waves prior to Neolithic ending . But the latter owned more sites and wider scopes than the former did. Both the Cultures developed fast in rich rainfall and warm periods, and withered for abrupt cooling events in 5.4 ka BP and 4.0 ka BP respectively. Thus, the sustainability of Henan’s Neolithic Whilst the ancient farming acted an irreplaceable part in distribution of human sites, and the need for farming space prompted human sites to expand from the western hilly areas towards the eastern plain of Henan. Besides, characteristics of the sites in the Erlitou Period suggest that some social factors disturbed the spatial pattern at the end of Neolithic age in Henan.
一家训文化源远流长,有人曾将颜之推《颜氏家训》作为家训之祖,宋陈振孙云:“古今家训,以此为祖。”(《直斋书录解题》卷十) A training culture goes back on ancient time
[摘要]随着计算机软件技术的飞速发展,计算机应用的范围越来越广,因此高校计算机专业课程教学质量的提高十分重要。本文分析了高校计算机专业课程教学现状,并探讨了提高高校计算机专业课程教学质量的方法。  [关键词]高校;计算机;实践  [资助项目]本文系陕西省教育厅2014年科学研究计划(14JK2150)资助。  作者:西北工业大学明德学院  一、高校计算机专业课程教学现状  高校计算机专业课程涵盖的