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针对高效测调技术在应用中存在的问题,大庆油田研究开发了非集流双流量单层高效测调技术,并在现场应用中取得了良好效果,对于特高含水阶段的注水开发具有重要意义。该技术的调节系统由PC测调软件、地面测控仪、井下测调仪、单芯电缆和可调堵塞器等组成,其中井下仪主机内安装的电路板组件是实现整机通讯、数据采集处理的核心部件,地面测控仪的基本功能是为井下仪提供直流稳压电源和实现井下仪与地面PC机之间的通信链路,通过PC测调软件可实现仪器的各种功能。双流量高效测调技术适合各种偏心配水工艺管柱,可实现非集流方式下的分层单测,减少了层间干扰造成的影响,仪器适应性、可操作性较好,资料可靠性更高。今后应在现有基础上增加磁感应部件,研究开发电动投捞测试仪器,提高堵塞器投捞效率,最关键的是要制定统一的、量化的、可操作的各项标准。 In view of the problems in the application of high-efficiency measurement and control technology, Daqing Oilfield has researched and developed the single-layer high-efficiency measurement and measurement technology of non-flow and double flow, and achieved good results in field application, which is of great significance for water injection development in the ultra-high water cut stage . The technical regulation system consists of PC measurement software, ground monitoring and control instrument, downhole tuner, single-core cable and adjustable plug, etc., of which the downhole instrument installed in the host board is to achieve the whole machine communication, data acquisition and processing Core components of the ground monitoring and control instrument is the basic function of the underground instrument to provide DC power supply and downhole instrument and the ground to achieve the communication link between the PC, through the PC measurement software to achieve the various functions of the instrument. Dual-flow and high-efficiency measurement and adjustment technology is suitable for all kinds of eccentric water distribution technology columns, which can realize the stratified single measurement under non-current collecting mode and reduce the influence caused by interlayer interference. The instrument adaptability, operability is good, data reliability higher. In the future, magnetic induction components should be added on the existing basis. It is necessary to develop uniform, quantifiable and operable standards for researching and developing electric fishing fishing test equipment and improving the fishing efficiency of the tamper.
In this study,used tea leaves (UTLs) were pyrolyzed to obtain used tea-leaf biochar (UTC),and then the UTC was used as an adsorbent to remove ciprofloxacin (CIP
楠竹又称毛竹 ,是优良速生的用材经济树种 ,它具有生长快 ,产量高 ,用途广 ,收益长 ,经济价值高等特点。大力发展毛竹生产 ,是农民脱贫致富地有效手段 ,也是调整林种结构 ,发
OPA1622是TI Burr-Brown Audio产品线家族中的新成员,也是已被广泛采用的OPA1612的升级产品.全新的OPA1622提供高达150mW的高输出功率,以及在10mW功率下-135dB的极低失真,从
The oxidation of antimony (Ⅲ) in soils was studied using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra.An andosol soil sample and artificial soil samples (SiO