Circulating predictive and diagnostic biomarkers for hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular car

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CBHHOLY
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Chronic hepatitis B virus(HBV) infected patients have an almost 100-fold increased risk to develop hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). HCC is the fifth most common and third most deadly cancer worldwide. Up to 50% of newly diagnosed HCC cases are attributed to HBV infection. Early detection improves survival and can be achieved through regular screening. Six-monthly abdominal ultrasound, either alone or in combination with alphafetoprotein serum levels, has been widely endorsed for this purpose. Both techniques however yield limited diagnostic accuracy, which is not improved when they are combined. Alternative circulating or histological markers to predict or diagnose HCC are therefore urgently needed. Recent advances in systems biology technologies have enabled the identification of several new putative circulating biomarkers. Although results from studies assessing combinations of these biomarkers are promising, evidence for their clinical utility remains low. In addition, most of the studies conducted so far show limitations in design. Attention must be paid for instance to different ethnicities and different etiologies when studying biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma. This review provides an overview on the current understandings and recent progress in the field of diagnostic and predictive circulating biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronically infected HBV patients and discusses the future prospects. Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected patients have an almost 100-fold increased risk to develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC is the fifth most common and third most deadly cancer worldwide. Up to 50% of newly diagnosed HCC cases are attributed to Early-detection improves survival and can be achieved through regular screening. Six-monthly abdominal ultrasound, either alone or in combination with alphafetoprotein serum levels, has been widely endorsed for this purpose. Both techniques however yield limited diagnostic accuracy, which is not improved when they are combined. Alternative circulating or histological markers to predict or diagnose HCC are therefore urgently needed. Recent results in systems biology technologies have enabled the identification of several new putative circulating biomarkers. Although results from studies assessing combinations of these biomarkers are promising, evidence for their clinical utility remains low. In addition, most of the stu dies conducted so far show limitations in design. Attention must be paid for instance to different ethnicities and different etiologies when studying biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma. This review provides an overview on the current understandings and recent progress in the field of diagnostic and predictive circulating biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronically infected HBV patients and discusses the future prospects.
本研究利用本室建株的A_3 杂交瘤细胞株分泌的单克隆抗体,对大肠菌表达的人rIFN-γ进行了纯化。宿主菌经 7MGuHCl 处理后,收获的抽提液经 40%饱和(NH_4)_2SO_4盐析,除去部分杂
多数时候,误会产生于工作,也应该止于工作。让我们一起看看误会通常在我们怎样的不经意下就产生了,又该如何减少它的发生。   40岁不到,Jorn Lyseggen便实现了自己的多个人生梦想:从人工智能科学家起步,26岁时创办挪威第一家在线商店,30岁左右就把一家公司带上了挪威证券交易所。拿到丰厚的报偿之后,他又一口气同时创办了三家公司:游戏公司、在线媒体监测公司Meltwater以及做指纹认证的研发
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