在无产阶级文化大革命的推动下,我国城乡各地的建筑行业中,大力开展了技术革新和技术革命运动,使建筑工业化有了进一步的发展。其中一个较大的特点是采用冷拔低炭钢丝配筋的预应力构件得到普遍的推广应用。 我厂过去用短线法生产冷拔低炭钢丝预
Under the impetus of the great proletarian cultural revolution, the construction industry in all parts of China’s urban and rural areas has vigorously carried out technological innovation and technological revolutionary movements, which has led to the further development of the industrialization of architecture. One of the major features is that the use of cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire reinforced prestressed components has been widely applied. Our factory used the short-term production of cold drawn low carbon steel wire