
来源 :福建热作科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobaiban
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本文总结了三年来幼龄茶树“弯枝养蓬” 的试验结果.表明:“弯枝养蓬” 方法简单,操作方便,经过弯枝的茶树有趋利避害的效果.它具有有效枝条分布均匀、骨干枝多;树冠开展,茂密,冠幅大,“根深叶茂”;生长快,成蓬早;早投产,产量高的优点.深受广大茶区的欢迎.建议在闽南植胶垦区,用茶树建立二线作物或搞胶茶间种的,宜采用“弯枝养蓬”新技术以培养矮、壮、宽、茂、密的丰产树冠. This paper summarizes the results of three years of young tea tree “bending branches and raising the Peng” test results show that: “bending branches and raising the Peng” method is simple, easy to operate, after bending the branches of the tea has the advantages of avoiding disadvantages. It has an effective branch distribution Uniform, branches and more; crown to carry out, dense, large crown, “deep roots and leafy”; fast growth, into Peng early; early put into production, the advantages of high yield. Widely welcomed by the tea district. , Use tea tree to establish second-line crops or engage in plastic tea between species, should adopt “new technology” to cultivate short, strong, wide, Mao, dense high yield crown.
广州市发生21宗瘦肉精中毒事件截至2009年2月24上午10时,广州市接到的21宗疑似瘦肉精中毒事件报告,增城市4宗,发病21人;天河区15宗,发病38人;越秀区1宗,发病6人; 21 Clenbut
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“酱姜”的制作 酱姜是永新的特产之一。加工历史悠久,食味独具一格,辣中有甜,是招待贵宾的美食珍品。入药,具有化痰止吐,益气提神,理脾利胃等功能。 近几年来,在党的富民政
在人类历史上,要问什么疾病在一次流行中对人危害最大,很多人都会答错,因为它竟是最不起眼的、几乎人人都得过的流行性感冒。 In the history of mankind, to ask what dise