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【正】 Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Company started constructionof a 120 000 t/a styrene monomer (SM)project on August 11th at its Yueyang site,in Hunan provinc
5月上旬北京中关村电脑节刚落 下俯累,V 国际计算机与信息产品 北京展览交易会和V 中国北京高 新技术“国际周”又相继登场,北京的 5月,是I’l’业界多次盛会的华诞。 tillG
There are three reasons for China’s constantlyincreasing consumption of green,environmentally friendly pesticides.Thefirst factor is that the government hasst
Introduction: In antegrade colonic enema (ACE) appendicostomy,cecal fixation on the inside of the abdominal wall and cecal wrap around the base of the appendix
Due to the elimination of the glyphosateexport tax rebate in China and the appreciationof the RMB against the US dollar,competition in China’s glyphosate mark
December 12-13,2007,Beijing Joint Fact Sheet At Grand Epoch City near Beijing on December 12 and 13,the United States and China held the third Strategic Economi
On August 18th,a ceremony was held atJinchang,Gansu province for the officialopening of Hexipu Chemical RecycleEconomy Demonstration Park,the constructionof a
贵州建省近600年,发展水平一直滞后于全国水平。实现经济社会发展的历史性跨越,是胡锦涛总书记对贵州的深切寄语,也是全省3900万各族人民的热切期盼。 Guizhou Province was
据《日经微器件》2006年第8期报道,NTT DoCoMo研究机构开发了使用MEMS开关,可适应从900MHz到5GHz范围内四个频段的可变RF放大器。在技术性能改善方面突出了下列几点:1用一个