
来源 :物理教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhao7788
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1 忌超纲 中学教学大纲是国家对某一门学科教学的统一要求,是编写教科书和教师进行教学的直接依据,是衡量教学质量的重要标准。所以,考试的内容在深度、广度上,都不应与现行教学大纲相抵触,不然教学活动将会无所适从。曾见到某杂志上刊载了这么一道初中物理试题:“已知录音机放音时,磁带的主动轮转速恒为n_0在主动轮上所绕磁带的半径分别是1.1厘米、1.9厘米和2.4厘米时,从动轮上所绕磁带的半径分别是2.4厘米、1.9厘米和1.1厘米。在这三种情况下,从动轮的转速应该分别等于_____、_____和_____”。这道题在联系实际方面不错,但属于高一物理的内容,不能作为初中物理的考题。有些知识属于“常识性了解”,按照九年制义务教育初中物理教学大纲,是只教不考的部分,也不能出现在试卷之中。 1 Avoidance of Superclasses The secondary school syllabus is a unified requirement for the teaching of a certain discipline in the country. It is a direct basis for the preparation of textbooks and teachers for teaching, and is an important criterion for measuring teaching quality. Therefore, the depth and breadth of the examination should not be in conflict with the current syllabus, otherwise the teaching activities will be at a loss. I have seen a magazine issue such a junior high school physics test: “When the known recorder is playing, the driving wheel speed of the tape is always n_0. The radius of the tape wound on the driving wheel is 1.1 cm, 1.9 cm and 2.4 cm, respectively. The radius of the tape wound on the driven wheel is 2.4 cm, 1.9 cm and 1.1 cm, respectively. In these three cases, the rotational speed of the driven wheel should be equal to _____, _____ and _____, respectively. This question is good in connection with the actual situation, but it is a high-level physics content and cannot be used as a test for junior high school physics. Some knowledge is “common-sense understanding”. According to the ninth-grade compulsory education physics teaching syllabus, it is only a part of teaching and examination, and it cannot be included in the examination paper.
随着高考制度的改革,会考的功能越来越为人们所重视。如何抓好文科班的物理教学,已是值得高中物理教师研究的问题,本文谈谈笔者在文科班教学中的一些做法。 With the refor
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1 可以讲点加速参照系的运动问题 关于相对运动,我们一直是讲到相对速度就止步,不讲相对加速度,好像一提到相对加速度和加速参照系的问题,就要提出非惯性系和惯性力等概念,
归纳题型 各个击破福建省三明市列东中学朱庆元为了使对化学有特殊兴趣的学生更快地得到培养,近几年全国在举行高中化学奥赛的基础上,也举行了针对初中生的初中化学奥赛,这对于
本文从陌生转化为熟悉、抽象转化为具体、一般转化为特殊、正向转化为逆向、部分转化为整体等方面阐述高考题中物理情景的转化策略,并以典型例子说明。 This article elabor