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阿拉伯数字是我们日常生活中每一天都能接触到的表示数目的符号,把这一组最常见、最简单、最普通的数字符号作为基本的视觉元素设置到版式设计课程之中去,对它们进行内容及版式的创意设计,在简单、一般的视觉元素中寻求和创造不一般的、具有个性化的、多姿多彩的视觉语言形象及形式,可以说是版式设计教学中的一种具有重要意义的课题设置。 我们知道,版式设计是平面设计中的一个组成部分,版式设计的好坏直接影响着平面设计的优劣,是视觉传达设计的重要环节。而在版式设计的教学中,课题的选择又是非常重要的,因为课题选择的恰当与否关系到学生版式设计能力的发挥与提高。很长一段时间以来,版式设计的课程训练多为现成的图文拼贴组合,以此来练习图与图、文与文、图与文以及图文与空白之间的构成关系,确切地说,这还是一种“被动”的编排和放置,往往仅局限于形式上的“好看”,不太注重形式上的再创造和内涵上的扩展。在这样的版式编排练习中,学生的创造性得不到充分地发挥,只是在形式里面兜圈子。应当看到,版式设计不仅仅是对各类视觉元素进行单纯的形式上的组合排列,更重要的是,应当赋予版式设计以新颖的创意和个性化的表现,以期强化形式和内容的互动关系及其全新的视觉效果。当然,版式设计的创意又不? The Arabic numerals are the symbols of the number of representations that come into contact with us every day of our life. The most common, simplest, and most common digital symbols in this group are set as basic visual elements into the formatting curriculum. It is arguable that it is an important part of layout design to seek and create unusual, personalized and colorful visual language images and forms in simple and general visual elements by creatively designing contents and layouts Meaning of the subject set. We know that layout design is an integral part of graphic design, layout design is a direct impact on the quality of graphic design is an important part of visual communication design. In the layout design of teaching, the choice of topics is very important, because the appropriate choice of topics related to the ability of students to play design and improve. For a long time, most of the curriculum training in layout design is the ready-made graphic collage combination, so as to practice the composing relationship between the drawing and the figure, the text and the text, the figure and the text, the figure and the blank. Specifically, , Which is still a kind of “passive” arrangement and placement, is often confined to formal “good-looking”, less emphasis on formal re-creation and expansion of connotation. In such a layout practice, students’ creativity is not fully exploited, only to circulate in form. It should be noted that the layout design is not only a simple combination of various types of visual elements, but more importantly, layout design should be given a new creative and personalized performance, in order to strengthen the interactive relationship between form and content And its new visual effects. Of course, the creative layout design is not?