Strengthening mechanism of Fe-Cu alloy during aging

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kassilw
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To give a further research on strengthening mechanism of binary Fe-Cu alloys during the aging process, the compositions, size distributions and volume fractions of precipitates were investigated by carbon extraction replicas. Both the size and the volume fraction of precipitates increase with the aging time prolonged. The precipitate sizes are corresponding with Weibull distribution. The stability of the sample aged for 35 min is worse than that aged for 1800 min and 18000 min. The precipitate is Cu-rich phase in the early aging process, and Cu content increases with the prolonging aging time. Before aging peak, the precipitation of Cu-rich phase plays a dominant role in strengthening. The growth and the change in crystal structure of the precipitate particles are the main factors leading to the decrease in strengthening after the aging peak. To give a further research on strengthening mechanism of binary Fe-Cu alloys during the aging process, the compositions, size distributions and volume fractions of precipitates were investigated by carbon extraction replicas. Both the size and the volume fraction of precipitates increase with the aging time The precipitate sizes are corresponding with Weibull distribution. The stability of the sample aged for 35 min is worse than that for 1800 min and 18000 min. The precipitate is Cu-rich phase in the early aging process, and Cu content increases with the growth of the change in crystal structure of the precipitants particles are the main factors leading to the decrease in strengthening after the aging peak.
在第五届国际核工展和技术会议上,丹麦的 A.詹森作了一篇报告,题为《低相互作用——轻水堆燃料元件的一种新设计》,摘译如下:当前,关于核燃料元件的性能,最严重的问题似乎是
这个时代,电脑是主角——电脑不是万能的,但没有电脑是万万不能的! 透过电脑,能够窥出背后主人的性格和品质,因为,电脑也是一种人生态度。章鱼还是显示器? 家里有这么个玩意
出场人物     海岩,全名侣海岩,15岁当兵,任海军航空兵歼六飞机电气员;18岁当工人,任炊事员和汽车修理工;19岁当警察,当过劳改、治安、交通警察;29岁下海经商,曾任北京新华实业总公司干部、科长、处长,北京昆仑饭店、亚洲大酒店、上海新锦江大酒店总经理。现任锦江集团有限公司副总裁,锦江北方公司董事长、总经理,北京昆仑饭店董事长,中国旅游饭店协会会长,北京第二外国语学院兼职教授,中国国有资产青年