
来源 :广西林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panmandy
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第四、五届梁希林业图书期刊奖发行量超14000份丰富的林业资讯专业的技术解读深度的典型报道优美的文学欣赏权威的政策法规高清的精美图片《广西林业》是全国公开发行的广西林业系统唯一的科技类综合期刊(月刊),大16开本,48页,每月5日出版,一年12期。主要栏目:卷首语、本刊特稿、热点报道、美丽广西、绿满八桂、林下经济、林改风云、林产纵横、人事改革、专家访谈、硬木世界、木制建筑、森林美学、森林保护、森林防火、廉政建设、生态家园、林业论坛、科普长廊、林人情怀、生态文化、林业简讯、信息之窗等。 The fourth and fifth Liang Xi forestry book journals circulation over 14000 copies of rich forestry information technology professional interpretation of the depth of the typical report of beautiful literature appreciation authoritative policies and regulations high-definition pictures of fine “Guangxi Forestry” is the national public offering of Guangxi The only comprehensive science and technology journal for forestry system (monthly), 16 large format, 48 pages, published monthly on the 5th, 12 issues a year. Main columns: preface, journal articles, hot stories, beautiful Guangxi, Green Man, Gui Lin economic, forest reform, forestry, personnel reform, expert interviews, hardwood world, wooden architecture, forest aesthetics, forest Protection, Forest Fire Prevention, Building an Honest and Clean Government, Ecological Homeland, Forestry Forum, Science Popularization Corridor, Lover’s Feelings, Ecological Culture, Forestry Newsletter, and Information Window.
20 0 0年 6月以来 ,我们用微波烧灼后再行扩张、放置内支架治疗重度食管狭窄 37例 ,疗效满意。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况  37例中 ,男 31例 ,女 6例 ;年龄 38~ 79岁 ,平均 5
Objective: To evaluate p63 expression at mRNA transcripts and protein levels in lung squamous cell cancer (SCC), adenocarcinoma, large cell lung cancer (LCLC) a
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We demonstrate the theory of chromatic dispersion(CD)-induced constellation rotation(CR) in a radio-over-fiber(ROF) link and a method for compensation. We also