组织样麻风瘤临床上罕见,现将我科所见2例报告如下: 例1,男,42岁。住院号:009123。因四肢、面部发生结节性皮损3年余,以“皮肤结节待诊’于1976年11月16日入院。3年前,患者两前臂起2、3枚暗红色结节,不痛不痒,逐渐增多、增大,并蔓延至两小腿及颜面部。曾行2次皮损病理检查,报告为:“皮肤纤维瘤”和“组织细胞瘤”。以往健康,家族中无明显传染病史。皮损情况:颜面、两前臂及两小腿散在
Tissue-like lepromatoma is rare in clinical practice. Now 2 cases reported by our department are reported as follows: Case 1, male, 42 years old. Hospital number: 009123. He had nodular lesions on his limbs and face for more than three years. He was admitted to the hospital on November 16th, 1976. He had two or three dark red nodules on the two forearms three years ago. No itching, gradually increased, increased, and spread to the two calf and facial area.2 times the pathological examination of the skin lesions, reported as: “dermatofibromas” and “tissue cell tumor.” In the past, no significant family infection Medical history: Lesion: face, two forearms and two legs scattered