深入贯彻《决定》精神 加快河北林业发展

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在全党兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮,加快推进全面建设小康社会的关键时期,党中央、国务院站在全局和战略的高度,做出《关于加快林业发展的决定》,充分体现了对林业和生态建设工作的高度重视。《决定》在深入分析林业发展面临形势的基础上,明确了新时期林业建设的指导思想、主要任务、战略布局、管理体制和政策措施,是指导今后林业改革和发展的纲领性文件。《决定》的出台,是我国林业建设史上新的里程碑,标志着林业建设进入了一个新的历史发展阶段。 In the crucial period during which the party has embarked on a new upsurge in studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and accelerating the promotion of building an overall well-to-do society, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have taken the overall situation and strategic level and made the Decision on Accelerating Forestry Development. , Fully embodies the great importance of forestry and ecological construction. Based on an in-depth analysis of the situation facing the development of forestry, the “Decision” made it clear that the guiding ideology, major tasks, strategic layout, management system and policies and measures of forestry construction in the new period are the key programmatic documents for guiding forestry reform and development in the future. The promulgation of the “Decision” is a new milestone in the history of forestry construction in our country, marking that forestry construction has entered a new stage of historical development.
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