建设“三地一中心” 咬定青山不放松——专访市人大代表、长寿区区长巴川江

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2017年是实施“十三五”规划的重要一年。重庆两会召开,市政府工作报告出台了总体思考和安排。本刊就如何结合区县自身实际,深化拓展五大功能区域发展战略,加快区县建设,专访了部分市人大代表——《重庆与世界》:长寿是城市发展新区中的重要区域。这几年来,您对实施五大功能区域发展战略有着怎样的认识?巴川江:深化拓展五大功能区域发展战略,是市委、市政府深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话和视察重庆重要讲话精神 2017 is an important year for implementing the “13th Five-Year Plan”. Chongqing held two sessions, the municipal government work report issued a general reflection and arrangements. This magazine on how to combine the district’s own reality, deepen the development of five functions of regional development strategy, accelerate the construction of districts and counties, an interview with some city deputies - “Chongqing and the world”: longevity is an important area of ​​urban development in the new area. In recent years, what is your understanding of implementing the strategy of developing five major functional areas? Bachuanjiang: Deepening the strategy of developing five major functional areas is an important speech made by the municipal party committee and municipal government in implementing the series of general secretary Xi Jinping and an inspection of the important speech of Chongqing