
来源 :上海医药情报研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a_b_c_d
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2000年医药行业紧紧围绕党中央、国务院提出的国企改革和脱困两大目标,深化改革、加快医药产业结构、企业结构和产品结构的调整,制止低水平重复建设,努力克服重重困难,保持了良好的增长率。据快报统计资料显示2000年全国医药商业销售总额完成了1509亿元,比1999年增长了12%。国家经贸委经济运行局医药处报道2003年全国30%的城市人口消耗了95%的医药用品。这 In 2000, the pharmaceutical industry focused on the two major goals of state-owned enterprise reform and extricating itself from the Central Party Committee and the State Council, deepened the reform, accelerated the adjustment of the pharmaceutical industry structure, enterprise structure and product structure, stopped low-level redundant construction, tried hard to overcome numerous difficulties and maintained Good growth rate. According to Express statistics show that in 2000 the national total commercial sales of medicine completed 150.9 billion yuan, an increase of 12% over 1999. Economic Operation Bureau of the State Economic and Trade Commission reported that in 2003, 30% of the urban population in the country consumed 95% of medical supplies. This
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